The press cluelessly fan the flames of fascism — They can't even call it what it is
#SalonNews #PressAndFascism #MediaResponsibility #JournalismFail #FascismWarning #LanguageMatters #Politics #News
#salonnews #pressandfascism #mediaresponsibility #journalismfail #fascismwarning #languagematters #politics #news
The Australian blames ‘production error’ for attack on Noel Pearson added to reader’s letter | The Guardian
A reader of the Australian was left “horrified” after a letter she sent to the newspaper was printed with the addition of two sentences defending the masthead and criticising Indigenous leader Noel Pearson as “shrill” and “prejudiced”.
#journalism #journalismethics #mediaresponsibility
Matt Gaetz slams 2 Fox News hosts for over-sexualizing AOC and joking that he might divorce his wife and marry her instead
#BusinessInsider #MattGaetzSlamsFoxNews #AOCOversexualization #FoxNewsJokes #MediaResponsibility #SexualHarassmentAwareness #Politics #News
#businessinsider #mattgaetzslamsfoxnews #aocoversexualization #foxnewsjokes #mediaresponsibility #sexualharassmentawareness #politics #news
The Dominion settlement with Fox not News network is a small step towards justice, but it's not enough. We need to hold Fox accountable for promoting the Big Lie and undermining our democracy.
Let's keep demanding accountability and transparency from media outlets that prioritize profit over truth.
#DemocracyUnderAttack #HoldingFoxAccountable #BigLie #NotEnough #JusticeMatters #MediaResponsibility
#democracyunderattack #holdingfoxaccountable #biglie #notenough #JusticeMatters #mediaresponsibility
'#Media #support for this #war must #NeverBeForgotten . Those who wrote in support of it should, at the very least, feel #shame for the rest of their lives. Instead, many of these voices continue on in the #industry proudly #declaring their support for the next proposed war or #regime change operation against the ‘#evil #dictator ’ of the day.
#WarInIraq #History #MediaResponsibility #accountability #hypocrisy #Irresponsible #Journalism #Harmful #MediaManipulation
#media #support #war #neverbeforgotten #shame #industry #declaring #regime #evil #dictator #wariniraq #history #mediaresponsibility #accountability #hypocrisy #irresponsible #journalism #harmful #mediamanipulation
@GeekFurious The bought and paid for by MAGA fascists MEDIA continues to portray him as inept when he has gotten SO much done. #GOPMAGAs #MediaResponsibility @MSNBC @arimelber @ABCNetwork @cbseveningnews @cbseveningnews @washingtonpost @wsj @nytimes
#gopmagas #mediaresponsibility
Update: Democracy Watch News @dwatchnews prioritizes articles & #Multimedia reports from independent #Journalists 1–Elections including #USAElection
2–Democracycast series on #HumanRights & Dignity, #PressFreedom & #MediaResponsibility + more
3–Creativity in #Arts & #Culture
#multimedia #journalists #USAelection #HumanRights #pressfreedom #mediaresponsibility #arts #culture
"In countries and epochs in which communication is impeded, soon all other liberties wither; discussion dies by inanition, ignorance of the opinion of others becomes rampant, imposed opinions triumph.“
(Primo Levi)
#democracy #media #mediaresponsibility