"What makes joy so powerful is that folks really don't see it coming as a political tool, even though it's always been part of the political" —Kristie Soares shares why joy is such a powerful political tool in Latinx media on the latest episode of Imagine Otherwise. #IoFAuthors #ImagineOtherwise #LatinxStudies #MediaStudies
Catch the full interview on your favorite podcast player or here: https://ideasonfire.net/154-kristie-soares/
#iofauthors #imagineotherwise #LatinxStudies #mediastudies
Check out the #ZeMKI #Datafication and#Mediatiziation Lab @unibremen at its summer/fall retreat at Pfarrhof #Bergkirchen !
Among others with @Andreas_Hepp @Leifkramp @JulieLuepkes .
#zemki #datafication #bergkirchen #mediastudies #Digitalmedia #communication
This week's #p5js challenge begins with a procedural reproduction of a Swiss station clock. Students will be breaking it apart to build their own timepieces. Next week, we're reading Ernst and talking about crystals, computers, "chronotopes", and conflicting temporalities. ⏲⏳🔮⌛⏲
Here's the code-- @ me with your variations!
#p5js #computationalmedia #mediastudies
The international conference "Deciphering Censorship: From regulation to the production of invisibilities, from the archive to the Internet" begins tomorrow, 7 September.
If you can't make it to the National Library of Portugal, you can follow the sessions via MS Teams. The access link is available on our website.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/events/deciphering-censorship/
#histodons #litstudies #Censorship #MediaStudies #censura #LiveStream
#histodons #litstudies #censorship #mediastudies #censura #livestream
Open-Rank TT Position in Media Ethics & Law | UMass Amherst Journalism Department
Posting is flexible regarding approach to the subject matter. Please spread widely within your networks. Feel free to direct questions to me, as I'm chairing the search. I'm happy to call UMass home. I ❤️ love my colleagues and students. A lovely, exciting place to work.
@academicchatter @communicationscholars @phdstudents #commodon #mediaStudies #academicChatter
#commodon #mediastudies #academicchatter
This week will be marked by the international conference "Deciphering Censorship: From regulation to the production of invisibilities, from the archive to the Internet", which will take place at the National Library of Portugal on the 7th and 8th.
Nicole Moore (UNSW), Robert Darnton (Harvard University) and Richard Burt (University of Florida) are the keynote speakers.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/events/deciphering-censorship/
#histodons #litstudies #Censorship #MediaStudies
#histodons #litstudies #censorship #mediastudies
Recommended reading:
"The Sisyphean Cycle of Technology Panics" by Amy Orben
#sts #sociology #commodon #mediastudies
Reading list:
Sociological research is often criticised for providing "excuses" for people doing bad things, preventing them from being rightfully blamed and punished. This special issue looks at social scientific debates about such "exculpatory" consequences:
#SocialTheory #Sociology #STS #Commodon #MediaStudies #Anthropology @sociology
#socialtheory #sociology #sts #commodon #mediastudies #anthropology
✨ jobs ✨ - we are looking to hire for five new roles in our department - please help us share with those who might be interested! 💌
Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture Education
Lecturer in Social and Cultural AI
Lecturer in Lecturer in Digital Media
Lecturer in Cultural Computation Education
Lecturer in Digital Economy and Innovation Education
#digitalmedia #digitalculture #digitalhumanities #ai #softwarestudies #culturalstudies #algorithmstudies #newmedia #platformstudies #internetstudies #commodon #sts #mediastudies #jobs
#Digitalmedia #digitalculture #digitalhumanities #ai #softwarestudies #culturalstudies #algorithmstudies #newmedia #platformstudies #internetstudies #commodon #sts #mediastudies #jobs
House we are staying in has drawers lined with a weekend supplement from #TheTimes dated April 1998.
Fascinating how much has changed over 25 years: the cigarette adverts, the absence of any web addresses, the homophobic columnist (not shown), the list of church services and dating classifieds.
#thetimes #newspapers #archive #history #mediastudies
Thrilled to see that @meryl's new book "Kids Across the Spectrums" is available Open Access! Read it here: https://direct.mit.edu/books/oa-monograph/5626/Kids-Across-the-SpectrumsGrowing-Up-Autistic-in
#sts #commodon #mediastudies #autism
I quite like this, Jo Elvin reviews an edition of Glamour #magazine that she edited 20 years ago... #mediastudies #media https://joelvin.substack.com/p/in-which-i-review-a-random-old-issue
#magazine #mediastudies #media
Heute vor 5 Jahren kam "#Gundermann" ins #Kino!
Dazu ein Lesetipp aus der Rubrik #Filmkritik:
▶️ Andreas Kötzing, Gundermann als Versöhnungsfilm oder: Wer einen Igel rettet, kann kein schlechter Mensch sein, #WerkstattGeschichte 82/2020, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/differenzen-einschreiben
Kötzing zeigt darin, wie der #Film den Liedermacher, Baggerfahrer & #Stasi-IM als ambivalente Figur vorstellt und damit verschiedene #DDR-Erinnerungen bedient.
#movies #Cinema #Cinemastodon #VisualHistory #GDR #FilmStudies #MediaStudies
#gundermann #kino #filmkritik #werkstattgeschichte #film #stasi #ddr #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #VisualHistory #gdr #filmstudies #mediastudies
Here is the thing, these k-dramas I watched on Netflix in last 2 months was not align with that theory. They all need all of my attention due to social media details. I mean some key conversations were available to understand via just subtitle. There were things I need to catch up by actually LOOKING the screen, audio was not enough. Isn't it interesting?
#kdrama #commastadon #mediastudies
I'm listening to old episodes of the great "History Is Gay" podcast, and finally got to hear the 2020 episode where Leigh interviewed me about LGBTQ images on US television, about the beginnings of queer media activism, and about queer fandoms past and present. It's a really good interview, even if I say so myself!
#television #LGBTQ #queer #TV #series #activism #gay #MediaStudies #lesbian #bi #trans
#television #lgbtq #queer #tv #series #activism #gay #mediastudies #lesbian #bi #trans
Thrilled to announce that
@Sarah_Florini, @drericaoneil, and I have been funded through the NEH ODH "Dangers & Opportunities of Tech" program to collab with our colleagues at the Online Content Creators Association to co-create community-based ways of understanding algorithmic governance!
This project & collaboration with content creators was dreamed up in March 2020, and this funding means we'll have the opportunity to co-create knowledge in/with community. 💫
#dh #digitalhumanities #nehgrant #humanities #mediastudies
Mastodonians, who's doing exciting research on the use of ChatGPT/LLMs in higher education?
I'm especially interested in sociological, pedagogical, or ethical research, but feel free to make all types of recommendations!
#sts #chatgpt #commodon #mediastudies
Hard copies arrived! Is part of the fun of publishing just the celebratory posts at every stage? Clearly! My new open access mini-book is in my hands.
:ablobcatattention: :mastodance: :OpenAccess: :cc:
#CambridgeElements #EnvironmentalHumanities #MediaStudies #FilmStudies #TelevisionStudies #BlackStudies #ScandinavianStudies #CulturalStudies #AcademicPublishing
#cambridgeelements #EnvironmentalHumanities #mediastudies #filmstudies #TelevisionStudies #BlackStudies #ScandinavianStudies #culturalstudies #AcademicPublishing
I spoke to @mahliann for Critical Distance's Keywords in Play podcast about my new book, The Videogame Industry Does Not Exist:
#gamestudies #commodon #mediastudies #gamedev
#gamestudies #commodon #mediastudies #gamedev
CFP: "Is It Media?"
JCMS (Journal of Cinema and Media Studies)