Listening to an intellectual explain a decade ago how #referenda were generally used as a #distractionβ¦
*awkward moment*
Seriously, what could they possibly want to distract us from?
#inflation #moneyPrinting #CBDCs #massSurveillance #JulianAssangePersecution #USASupplicant #mediaTakeover #poisonsCartel #forcedMedicalExperimentation #TPTPP #infinityWars #nuclearProliferation #gentrification #overdevelopment #corporateStateTotalitarianism #fascistRule #australia #auspol
#referenda #distraction #inflation #moneyPrinting #CBDCs #masssurveillance #julianassangepersecution #usasupplicant #mediatakeover #poisonscartel #forcedmedicalexperimentation #tptpp #infinityWars #nuclearproliferation #gentrification #overdevelopment #corporateStateTotalitarianism #fascistrule #australia #auspol
Looks like MediaTek is taking a CATastrophic shift to focus on cars and AI. Good thing they're not reducing their human staff, because I hear cats aren't great drivers anyways. πΌπ #Mediatakeover #AIkitties #chipdesign
#mediatakeover #aikitties #chipdesign