🗣Besides the visit, the Latvian administration received a training on ELA’s #mediation procedure.
👉🏻The aim is to train the 🇱🇻 authorities to make active use of ELA’s mediation tools in dealing with labour mobility issues.
🔗More on mediation at ELA👉🏻 https://ela.europa.eu/en/mediation
Katarina Mansson believes that increasing the practical use of #HumanRights can help mediators in settling conflicts.
👉Join our event launching her book 12 Sept, 15:15 CEST to discuss her findings and how to integrate human rights in #mediation efforts: https://brnw.ch/21wCoZu
#Climate-focused #mediation in #Iraq, reconciliation promotion in #Somalia—we work to build peace around the world.
And with your help, we can do more!
So much đź’¶ is spent on war. It's time to invest in peace: https://brnw.ch/21wChyb
#charityday #internationaldayofcharity #Somalia #Iraq #mediation #Climate
Can #HumanRights support mediators in settling conflicts peacefully?
Join our event on 📆12 Sept, 15:15 CEST to see our
amongst other experts highlight the need to increase efforts in integrating human rights in #mediation processes.
👉: https://brnw.ch/21wCfOt
"#HumanRights can facilitate political #dialogue to find common ground in governance for peaceful co-existence."
đź“•Read our interview with Katarina Mansson, who calls on #mediation & human rights experts to work together for holistic approaches to peace: https://brnw.ch/21wCbNS
#mediation #dialogue #HumanRights
We’re delighted to welcome Chris Coulter (@DoktorChristmas) as our new Deputy Executive Director.
With over 20 years of conflict resolution experience, she also heads our department on #mediation support, #negotiation and training.
More: https://berghof-foundation.org/news/new-deputy-head-chris-coulter
#Mediation #Lehrgang - Unser 17. Lehrgang in Mediation (CAS, Teil Masterstudium) startet im September. Am 14. eröffne ich den Euregio-Lehrgang. Bereits haben wir zahlreiche Anmeldungen für den 18. Lehrgang (Start Herbst 24). #Weiterbildung
#mediation #lehrgang #weiterbildung
Interested in learning more about #HumanRights in #mediation processes?
Register for Katarina Mansson's book launch event on 12 September at 15:15 CEST with Ilze Brands Kehris (United Nations Human Rights), Outi Holopainen (Ulkoministeriö - utrikesministeriet), Nicholas Haysom (United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and our Executive Director Andrew Gilmour.
👉: https://berghof-foundation.org/news/event-book-launch-human-rights-in-mediation
đź“•Read Katarina Mansson's newly released book "Human rights in mediation": https://berghof-foundation.org/library/human-rights-in-mediation
I had yet another successful intervention in an online conflict (with neighborhood group in this case). **Privately** messaged antagonistic person, and in a few medium-length comments, he went:
- I'm blunt, and I can take bluntness in return, "honesty" over tactful respect…
- Well, yeah, this is better than just censoring or getting kicked out.
- Thanks for story about other person being nicer in person
- Yeah, I see how we can overreact online to plain text…
#restorativejustice #mediation
Der gerichtliche Streit um ein zukünftiges Schiedsverfahren – und die internationale Zuständigkeit
Die deutschen Gerichte sind gemäß § 1025 Abs. 2 ZPO für den Antrag nach § 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO international zuständig.
Die internationale Zuständigkeit der
#Mediation #InternationaleZuständigkeit #Schiedsabrede #Schiedsverfahren #Zivilprozess
#mediation #internationalezustandigkeit #schiedsabrede #schiedsverfahren #zivilprozess
Our new police abolition essay "Kick the Cops off Your Block" is now available on substack. This essay gives an analysis of the police, many alternatives to the police, and ways to get to a world without hierarchical security forces and what they enforce
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis
#directaction #mutualaid #mediation
#restorativejustice #selfdefense #mediation #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #Abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis #directaction #MutualAid #mediation #transformativejustice #restorativejustice #selfdefense #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
#HumanRights and #mediation communities both contribute to peace, but often question each other's methods.
👉Register for our event at ⏰15:15 CEST launching Katarina Mansson's book on how human rights can be better integrated into mediation processes: https://brnw.ch/21wBWCa
Environmental degradation and #ClimateChange are worsening our global crises.
From #ClimateSecurity in #Somalia to climate-focused #mediation in #Iraq, we integrate this awareness into our peace efforts.
Learn about our work on climate and conflict: https://fal.cn/3AIFB
#Iraq #mediation #Somalia #ClimateSecurity #ClimateChange
We met with @euinzim to discuss our insider #mediation project with @Africa_Univ & why insider mediators from different backgrounds, including civil society, churches & gov agencies should be utilised in #ConflictTransformation processes.
Learn more: https://fal.cn/3Acqf
#ConflictTransformation #mediation
Fighting rages in Sudan
One hundred days of war in vain
Peace is yet to come
#sudan #war #peace #mediation #haiku #poetry
#sudan #war #peace #mediation #haiku #poetry
Global News BC: Fraser Valley transit strike: Employer agrees to mediated settlement https://globalnews.ca/news/9843880/fraser-valley-transit-strike-employer-agrees-to-mediated-settlement/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #labourdispute #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #FirstTransit #FraserValley #Settlement #VinceReady #mediation #mediator #Transit #Canada #Labour #Strike #CUPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #labourdispute #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #firsttransit #fraservalley #settlement #vinceready #mediation #mediator #transit #Canada #labour #strike #cupe
@takeshi_news @MaiKueper und nur, um es mal unter dem #Organisationsentwicklung #Supervision #Mediation #Coaching getrötet zu haben: diesen Master in Frankfurt finde ich super angelegt: https://www.kompetenzcampus.de/master-studiengaenge/beratung-in-der-arbeitswelt
#Organisationsentwicklung #supervision #mediation #coaching
Gizmodo: SAG-AFTRA Agrees to Federal Mediation, But Not to an Extension https://gizmodo.com/sag-aftra-strike-deadline-amptp-wga-federal-mediation-1850631949 #internationalallianceoftheatricalstageemployees #allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #200708writersguildofamericastrike #writersguildofamericastrike #cinemaoftheunitedstates #screenactorsguild #davidslack #mediation #sagaftra #aflcio #sag
#internationalallianceoftheatricalstageemployees #allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #200708writersguildofamericastrike #writersguildofamericastrike #cinemaoftheunitedstates #screenactorsguild #davidslack #mediation #sagaftra #aflcio #sag
Cultivating Compassionate Presence
An 8-week online training for professionals and trained volunteers working in healthcare, social and human services and education
#authenticpresence #mindfulness #mediation #palliativecare
#care #compassion #socialwork #dying #nursing #healthcare
#stress #burnout #confidence #wellbeing
#authenticpresence #mindfulness #mediation #palliativecare #care #compassion #SocialWork #dying #nursing #healthcare #stress #burnout #confidence #wellbeing
💡Did you know that #EULabourAuthority has a mechanism to resolve disputes on 🇪🇺 EU #Labourmobility between Member States?
🕵🏻‍Discover ELA’s #mediation services! Have a look at the leaflet available in all EU languages:🔗https://europa.eu/!8ccBHn
More👉🏻 https://europa.eu/!h94qp3
#EULabourAuthority #labourmobility #mediation