@scrumschau Helpful post. You could also add #TeamCoach, #Mediator and #Consultant to the list of roles that might need clarification. At least the last two have professional codes.
#teamcoach #mediator #consultant
Global News BC: After bitter strike, Fraser Valley buses to hit the road again Aug. 6 https://globalnews.ca/news/9863237/fraser-valley-transit-strike-ends/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #fraservalleybusesback #FraserValleytransit #transitstrikeover #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #FraserValley #Settlement #BCTransit #busesback #Mediated #mediator #Traffic #Transit #CUPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #fraservalleybusesback #fraservalleytransit #transitstrikeover #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #fraservalley #settlement #BCTransit #busesback #mediated #mediator #traffic #transit #cupe
Global News BC: Fraser Valley transit strike: Employer agrees to mediated settlement https://globalnews.ca/news/9843880/fraser-valley-transit-strike-employer-agrees-to-mediated-settlement/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #labourdispute #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #FirstTransit #FraserValley #Settlement #VinceReady #mediation #mediator #Transit #Canada #Labour #Strike #CUPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #labourdispute #transitstrike #cupelocal561 #firsttransit #fraservalley #settlement #vinceready #mediation #mediator #transit #Canada #labour #strike #cupe
Global News BC: Union says deal within reach to end Fraser Valley transit strike https://globalnews.ca/news/9837897/fraser-valley-transit-strike-deal-possible/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #CollectiveAgreement #mediatorproposal #labourdispute #transitstrike #FirstTransit #FraserValley #Bargaining #VinceReady #BCTransit #mediator #Economy #cupe561 #Strike #CUPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fraservalleytransitstrike #collectiveagreement #mediatorproposal #labourdispute #transitstrike #firsttransit #fraservalley #Bargaining #vinceready #BCTransit #mediator #economy #cupe561 #strike #cupe
#introduction 2/? I'm a recovering #attorney and #mediator who dealt with real estate and partnership disputes but landlords are horrible so I don't do that anymore.
#mediator #attorney #introduction
Global News BC: B.C. port strike: Labour minister tells mediator to pitch deal in bid to break impasse https://globalnews.ca/news/9826894/bc-port-strike-deal-proposal-minister/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #InternationalLongshoreandWarehouseUnionCanada #BCMaritimeEmployersAssociation #portstrikedealproposal #portstrikedeal #SeamusO'Regan #bcportstrike #portstrike #Politics #BCstrike #mediator #Economy #BCMEA #ILWU
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #internationallongshoreandwarehouseunioncanada #bcmaritimeemployersassociation #portstrikedealproposal #portstrikedeal #seamuso #bcportstrike #portstrike #politics #bcstrike #mediator #economy #bcmea #ilwu
“3 ans que les faits sont établis. 3 ans depuis les premières alertes. 3 ans de silence gêné des autorités de régulation face à un système quasiment mafieux qui amène la pneumologue Irène Frachon à dresser dans les colonnes du JDD un parallèle entre #DidierRaoult, et… #JacquesServier, le Servier du #Mediator : «La mégalomanie, le côté gourou, des réseaux d’influence extrêmement importants, à la fois académiques, intellectuels, amicaux, régionaux, voire politiques…»”
#mediator #jacquesservier #DidierRaoult
#Mediator : ces victimes ou d’ayants droit de Saône-et-Loire qui attendent d'être indemnisées depuis 2011 https://www.bienpublic.com/sante/2023/04/25/mediator-ces-victimes-qui-attendent-d-etre-indemnisees-depuis-2011
@benjaminwittes @Popehat
I will geek out on my #legal areas of interest sometimes though if asked. They’re small town things, though. All the stuff the big dogs like @benjaminwittes or @Popehat couldn’t care two “wittes” about (sorry Ben, couldn’t resist. I geek out on #property, #water, and #administrative law personally. But practice on any given day the gamut of estate planning, family #law, #criminal law, #guardian/conservatorship, #torts, #contracts, #trusts and when my wife retires from the Forest Service I’ll pick up my environmental & natural resource law chops again.
Also a licensed #mediator.
I solve run of the mill problems for run of the mill folks. If you’re ever of mind to chat in generalities .. hit me up. I won’t, however, give specific advice. That’s, erm, frowned upon w/o an atty client agreement and confined to the states I practice in.
I’ll end w/a little piece of general legal advice. Don’t be penny wise and pound poor. If you think you need to talk to a lawyer, you probably do. Make an appointment and see what they have to say before making decisions that could work out poorly for you and wind up costing a ton of money to fix later.
We’re like dentists. Nobody likes to see us. But, a little preventative maintenance goes a long way.
#legal #Property #water #administrative #law #criminal #guardian #torts #contracts #trusts #mediator
Hi folks! By way of #introduction, I'm a #writer: #MusicReviews #MusicPressKits, #EdTech, #psychology #ShortFiction (#CrimeFiction, #SciFi, #horror, #LiteraryFiction) #Poetry. I also #edit, I am a credentialed #mediator, and I #consult and #speak on topics such as #management.
#management #speak #consult #mediator #edit #poetry #literaryfiction #horror #scifi #crimefiction #shortfiction #psychology #edtech #musicpresskits #musicreviews #writer #introduction
Mediator*in/Therapeut*in gesucht für familiäre Konfliktlösungsgespräche
In meiner Familie möchten wir uns besser verstehen und nicht mehr in 20 Jahre alte dysfunktionale Streitmuster zurückfallen. Um das zu erreichen, suchen wir eine*n #Mediator*in oder #Therapeut*in.
Idealerweise im Raum Aachen, aber online geht zur Not auch.
Any #attorney who doesn't recommend taking your #dispute before a #mediator prior to duking it out in front of #judge for untold thousands of #dollars, is an attorney more interested in pocketing your #cash than than solving your dispute.
#protip #attorney #dispute #mediator #judge #dollars #cash #legal #advice #bank
Épinglé par le #canardenchaine (noix d'honneur du 08-03-2023), Jean-Noël Barrot, ministre de la transition numérique, a eu la bonne idée d'élever au rang d'officier de la légion d'honneur Madeleine Dubois, ancienne lobbyiste en chef de Servier en plein procès en appel du #mediator
Le #macronisme n'a décidément aucune limite.
#canardenchaine #mediator #macronisme
🔄Le grand chamboule-tout d’Olivier Laureau à la tête de Servier
En plein procès en appel sur le scandale du #Mediator, le groupe pharmaceutique bouleverse son organisation et met son management sous pression, dévoile @Deye_Inside.
les nouvelles news
« Médiator, un crime chimiquement pur », la BD-portrait d’une lanceuse d’alerte
#sante #mediator #irenefrachon
Le procès en appel du #Mediator : ce scandale sanitaire jugé dans l'indifférence
France Inter
Mediator, un crime chimiquement pur, Irène Frachon
#sante #mediator #irenefrachon
[L'humanité] - Quand une lettre de #BigPharma intime à #IrèneFrachon de « se taire »…
La veille du témoignage de la pneumologue Irène Frachon au procès en appel du #Mediator, le titre de l’industrie pharmaceutique Prescription Quotidien Santé titrait en Une : « Maintenant, taisez-vous madame ! ».
#bigpharma #irenefrachon #mediator