I keep hearing about frameworks like Brighter/Darker, Wolverine ("critter stack") etc that are alternatives to Mediatr.
Any suggestions on what is better from a DDD or event-driven development point of view taking into account developer productivity and performance?
#dotnet #ddd #evetdrivendevekopment #mediatr #brighter #wolverine
#dotnet #ddd #evetdrivendevekopment #mediatr #brighter #wolverine
If you're migrating #MediatR v12, read the migration guide super carefully!
If you use behaviors and previously added the `TRequest : IRequest<TResponse>` generic constraint when moving to v11, you need to revert that back to just `notnull` otherwise requests with only the non-generic `IRequest` will SILENTLY no longer be processed by it; no compilation or runtime errors. I now doubly appreciate my API acceptance tests, otherwise I wouldn't have spotted it!
Trying the “strangler fig” approach to an old webforms 4.8 site and am using #dotnet 7.0 #efcore with postgres (first time!) for identity but now comes the “how to I handle user data requests from the old site”. Thought about an API but before I did - anyone know if there is a way to send #Mediatr request from a 4.8 app and let it be handled in a net 7.0 library? Can’t reference it directly in the 4.8 app but I imagine there’s a way..
Anyone have advice on whether it's better to to use classes or records for MediatR INotifications/IRequests?
This looks really nice, a clean evolution from #MediatR.
The decoupled nature of the #mediator frameworks is awesome, but also a concern - how do I know there’s a handler there, how to see that in static analysis?
Anyone have an idea for how to keep the loose coupling but also let IDE’s surface the links & handlers?
@jeremydmiller #wolverine #mediator #mediatr
I saw a microservice that has 1 api endpoint on a controller, and 1 service that does the work. And between them: #mediatR.
WTF. There was no benefit whatsoever to interposing mediatR there. None.
Use it when it makes sense, not by rote.
Currently learning more about Clean Architecture.
Using MediatR seems to be quite en vogue these days. But I don't really understand why. There are some benefits to this abstraction but the code obfuscation and the Service Locator pattern through the backdoor it brings seem like a really bad design decision. It totally removes the dependency declaration of a class which seems horrible to test.
Or am I just missing something here?
#csharp #dotnet #CleanArchitechture #MediatR
#csharp #dotnet #cleanarchitechture #mediatr
A littlebit like #mediatr, just with asynchonicity inter-process messaging and persistence ... oh, and less code 😀 (#MAGIC ?)
#Wolverine #WolverineFX #JetBrains #dotnet #SoftwareArchitecture
#mediatr #magic #wolverine #wolverinefx #jetbrains #dotnet #softwarearchitecture