"It's OK to report on the optics of politics, but it shouldn't come at the expense of reporting on substance, and newsrooms need to make sure they're getting the balance right.
#DanielBrunskill, politics and economics reporter, Interest.co.nz
#danielbrunskill #podcasts #rnz #mediawatch
#WillieJackson, Minister of Broadcasting and Media, comments on the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, that will force one set of media corporations to pay another set of media corporations, to link to or quote from their stories.
"Any right thinking person or right thinking party would support this, because you don't want to get offside with the media do you..."
#williejackson #podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #newsmedia
"A million ad impressions being served onto websites is the equivalent of a return flight from London to Boston in terms of the [carbon] emissions being given out. If you think about how many billions and billions of impressions are being served on a daily basis, we do have a problem..."
#AlexRadford, chair of Independent Media Agencies New Zealand (#IMANZ)
#alexradford #imanz #podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #climatechange #carbonemissions
This week's Midweek MediaWatch quoted comments made about political polls on the Newsable podcast. David Farrar of polling company Curia - which produces polls for the National party - admitted that poll results released close to an election can influence the election results:
Surely it's unacceptable for any business activity funded by political parties and media organisations to distort election outcomes?
#podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #stuff #newsable #nzpolitics
Paul Barry just saying Facebook should put a 'disputed' label on Peta Credlin's 26-page Voice conspiracy theory rather than the current 'false information' warning. It's only one Sky News post which was RMIT fact-checked and she hasn't been censored. Readers can still click through the warning to view her segment #MediaWatch #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/credlin/102755280
Lachlan Murdoch covers Private Media’s costs of $1.3m - more than the $1.1 million asked for - on condition the company donate all $588,735 secured from supporters of its Crikey GoFundMe defence fund to the Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom. #MediaWatch
Anyone who's already calling the election for the NatACTs is pushing propaganda, whether they mean to or not. For one thing, the polls are swinging as wildly as a compass needle in the Bermuda Triangle.
In step with this, NewsHub nation mentioned that according a "NZ election study, 30-40% of people haven't made their mind up". Quoted last week on MediaWatch:
#podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #nzpolitics #election2023
Certain forms of theft and violent crime have been running rampant in NZ. In other news...
Shock, horror! When you put 20 rats in a cage with only enough space and food for 10, they'll fight and steal from each other in an attempt to survive. But new research reveals, this is not a consequence of "rat nature", and can't be blamed entirely on the behaviour of a minority of "bad apples" among the group of rats.
#podcasts #rnz #mediawatch #crime #lawandorder
You may not be interested in the Matildas but there's an interesting media case study. At one point they couldn't get enough spectators to cover costs of opening a stadium. Then all the media got interested. Now the most watched event. #MediaWatch https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/wwc/102728382
An ABC #Mediawatch segment has been edited & posted to social media to falsely claim NSW Health hired crisis actors as part of the covid-19 conspiracy theory. #nswpol https://www.aap.com.au/uncategorised/no-abc-media-watch-did-not-expose-covid-19-crisis-actors/
Monday Ratings | THE BLOCK slips past THE VOICE AUSTRALIA to take the primetime win
#BackRoads #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #MediaWatch #MissingPersonsInvestigations #QA #TheBlock #TheTraitorsAustralia #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#backroads #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #mediawatch #missingpersonsinvestigations #qa #theblock #thetraitorsaustralia #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
News Corporation's full-year profit down 75%. $US187m ($A287m) in profit for the financial year, down from the previous year’s $US760m. US-listed group owns News Corp Australia, US & UK mastheads, book publishers & real estate advertising. #MediaWatch
ABC Australia shuts all but four XTwitter accounts citing toxic interactions, cost and better interaction with ABC content on other social media platforms. #MediaWatch #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/aug/09/abc-australia-leaves-twitter-x-elon-musk
Of all the headlines describing the #AlabamaBrawl THIS is what CTV decides to go with?
#ayfkm #alabamabrawl #racistmotherfuckers #bias #mediawatch
Monday Ratings | The MATILDAS deliver Seven unprecedented numbers
#BackRoads #FIFAWomen039sWorldCup #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #HuntedAustralia #MediaWatch #QA #TheBlock #TheVoiceAustralia #TVratingsAU
#backroads #fifawomen039sworldcup #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #huntedaustralia #mediawatch #qa #theblock #thevoiceaustralia #tvratingsau
@RoddersClassics @ArrestJK I got slammed by #RNZ's #MediaWatch for a tweet I made when Jerry Collins was killed in France about hoping the J Collins wasn't the former All Black. My wife and I had RNZ Sunday Morning on when Colin Peacock called me out for abusing my position. My wife was really pissed off with me and I quit doing Animation Nation (for free) not long after that. #NZPol
I guess it's possible. Sky News has humans dressed as journalists. #MediaWatch
Gold Logie winner Sonia Kruger has never acknowledged or responded to the 2019 NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision that her remarks on Islamic immigration were "vilifying". She just moved on from Ch9 to Ch7 & became an award winner. #MediaWatch https://mumbrella.com.au/i-will-never-forget-what-sonia-kruger-said-about-muslims-795939
Monday Ratings | The MATILDAS big win continues Seven's great start to the week
#BackRoads #FIFAWomen039sWorldCup #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #HuntedAustralia #MediaWatch #QA #TheAshes #TVratingsAU
#backroads #fifawomen039sworldcup #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #huntedaustralia #mediawatch #qa #theashes #tvratingsau
Monday Ratings | JOHN FARNHAM movie shows Seven are playing to win
#BackRoads #FourCorners #HaveYouBeenPayingAttention #HuntedAustralia #JohnFarnham #MediaWatch #QA #Rush #TVratingsAU
#backroads #FourCorners #haveyoubeenpayingattention #huntedaustralia #johnfarnham #mediawatch #qa #rush #tvratingsau