The dark web blog that Russian cyber criminals were using to post Australian medical insurer #Medibank customer data has gone off line. No explanation given. Probably went offline yesterday. The file server where Medibank files were linked from is still online.
These criminals are evil. Along with releasing medical claims, revealing addresses are putting domestic violence victims, police (who use the insurer), and judiciary in peril. This is not good.
#RussianHackers #MedibankHack #REvil
#medibank #russianhackers #medibankhack #revil
If there's one silver lining after the recent Optus and Medibank hacks here in Australia, then it's the fact that organisations seem to finally be putting a focus onto their security from the top down.
Today I had another great workshop with a new customer to assess their overall security and #cloudsecurity so they know what they need to improve on and invest in.
#cloudsecurity #optushack #medibankhack #cybersecurity #infosec
It appears the recent Australian breaches of #medibank and #optus continue to be of interest to the bottom of the cyber crime ecosystems barrel.
#Medibank #optus #cybersecurity #infosec #medibankhack #auspol #australia
Finally got the email from Medibank saying my old membership data with them was stolen by cyber criminals. Fortunately, I left them in 2009 so, with the exception of my name, gender, and date of birth, all the other stolen data is now outdated and irrelevant. #OnlyAFleshWound #MedibankHack
#onlyafleshwound #medibankhack
In January 2022 the Russian Federal Security Service said they had dismantled REvil and charged some of its members. That is clearly not the case. The medical insurer, Medibank Private, was hacked in October 2022, and REvil dumped customer private medical history onto the Dark Web from 7 Nov. REvil set up three .csv files - boozy.csv, abortions.csv and pychos.csv which contain medical claims for alcohol use, abortions, and mental health. #MedibankHack #REvil #RussianHackers They are scum!
#medibankhack #revil #russianhackers
Hackers who accessed the customer records of 9.7 million Medibank Private (Australia) customers have released another cache of sensitive data on Monday morning relating to the mental health of certain policyholders #MedibankHack #RussianHackers #REvil #cyber #hack
#medibankhack #russianhackers #revil #cyber #hack
Do we need to contact EVERY Insurer, teleco, bank, etc that we've EVER had an account with & demand delete ALL our data from their systems? - do we have any legal recourse? AHM just notified me my data was hacked today. 7+yrs since leaving them!🤬#medibankhack
I just received an email from AHM to say my data has been hacked.
We haven't been AHM members for over 7 years.
Why do they still have my data on their system?
Grrrrrrr. #AHMDataHack #medibankhack #auspol
#ahmdatahack #medibankhack #auspol
I had a fright yesterday. Russian cyber criminals dumped people's medical data on the dark web in a file named Boosy.csv For a split second I thought it was about Chris Bouzy. It's not. The hack released data about Australians insured for alcohol consumption. They also released data in a file named abortions.csv #medibankhack #cyber #hack