Does anyone still know someone who continues to reject a #friendship due to the other not willing to undergo #medicalExperimentation?
#friendship #medicalExperimentation
Fellow #Australians were you ever sent off to a #school camp and then sprayed with #firefightering foam by the very friendly #firemen?
Welcome to the sordid world of non-consensual #medicalExperimentation.
And yes, we do remember it.
And no, our parents were not #informed about it.
#camp #schoolCamp #nonConsensual #consent #medicalTesting #nurembergViolation #childAbuse #forcedExperimentation #PFAS #bioAccumulative #foreverChemicals #3M #DuPont #fireFightingFoam
#Australians #school #firefightering #firemen #medicalExperimentation #informed #camp #schoolCamp #nonConsensual #consent #medicalTesting #nurembergViolation #childabuse #forcedExperimentation #pfas #bioAccumulative #foreverchemicals #3m #dupont #fireFightingFoam
> Report a #health issue and go to #hospital to die alone.
> Die around friends and family in the holiday time.
This is a choice that people are making right now because of forced #medicalExperimentation.
At what point will #humans think?
#health #hospital #medicalExperimentation #humans #clownCountry #australia #clownworld #publichealth
"Gotta engage in #medicalExperimentation. Think of the #healthInsurance premiums if a breakout started there!"
Seriously… f%cking #premiums?!
Not a single person needs to worry about the health of #healthInsurance firms.
They (et al) have a #moneyPump and they've been using it for almost two years to steal **#tangibleAssets** from us. Do we really think they are not #moneyLaundering those funds through #BigFinance first?
#assetInflation #howVeryKeynesian #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #australia
#medicalExperimentation #healthinsurance #premiums #moneyPump #tangibleAssets #moneylaundering #bigFinance #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #australia
Is this for real? We are not big supporters of airTravel but this is crazy.
Maybe #pilots are especially unable to resist the tempations of the job and undergo the #medicalExperimentation?
#pilots #medicalExperimentation
We live in a world where people are experiencing extreme #discrimination for not undergoing #medicalExperimentation…
The need to reject #BigTech, #BigPharma and #fiatCurrencies are more imperative with each passing day…
But you spend your time name-dripping #ethereumScamTokens, which only 2% of the crypto-enthusiasts actually care about.
#discrimination #medicalExperimentation #bigtech #bigpharma #fiatCurrencies #ethereumScamTokens #priorities #darkpatterns
Could you imagine how life might be if we treated the obese people the same way we treated those who don't wish to undergo #medicalExperimentation?
Life could be a dream.
Let's put a #BMICalculator at every front door.
#healthCrisis #obesity #inflammation #smoking #covid #publicHealth
#medicalExperimentation #BMICalculator #healthcrisis #obesity #inflammation #smoking #covid #publichealth
How does the #dating app know whether a person is undergoing #medicalExperimentation, though?
Couldn't person make two profiles and effectively be 'bi-medical'?
#dating #medicalExperimentation #biMedical #medicalPreferences #bigpharma
Something, something when will I get the guillotine for forced #medicalExperimentation?
Paraphrasing #MichaelGunner, Chief Minister NT
#medicalExperimentation #MichaelGunner
The #freeMarket you demanded is now demanding #medicalExperimentation.
…there is a story here.
Which king offered to cut the child into two?
#freemarket #medicalExperimentation
We admit its not all good, never supporting #QRCode #surveillance nor coercive #medicalExperimentation, but #COVID has has had big benefits in terms of doing (more) with less.
Less #travel, less time at the office, less #waste, less #uselessUniversityDegrees, less #overdevelopment (lost early unfortunately), less commitments, less extreme migration (aka #humanTrafficking) to #Australia, less #makeWork by the #managerialClass — these are all things the 99% wanted and got…
…do we just lose them?
#qrcode #surveillance #medicalExperimentation #covid #travel #waste #uselessUniversityDegrees #overdevelopment #humantrafficking #australia #makeWork #managerialClass