GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
271 followers · 2963 posts · Server
Kealoha · @Kealoha321
362 followers · 1358 posts · Server

If anyone is feeling generous, a former student of mine is trying to help pay for her mother’s medical expenses. It would be great and much appreciated if folks could help boost this so she might get some additional resources. Thank you!

#kindness #medicalbills

Last updated 1 year ago

· @NaturalNews
6168 followers · 31363 posts · Server
GryphonSK · @GryphonSK
249 followers · 2651 posts · Server
MugsysRapSheet Blog ☑️ · @MugsysRapSheet
244 followers · 1719 posts · Server

Interesting concept.

I suspect this "solution" has FAR broader application than just . (Think: bought up by collection agencies.) 🤔

#studentloandebt #medicalbills

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
272 followers · 8886 posts · Server
morgandawn · @morgandawn
361 followers · 1781 posts · Server

Help Robin as she's helped . Robin provided hosting for the K/S , the archive, & for dozens of fans with individual fan sites for decades. She spent many hours of her time to help various fan sites stay alive without compensation.

#fandom #fanfiction #archive #highlander #kirkspock #startrek #fandomlove #medicalbills

Last updated 1 year ago

Janet Rosen :toad: · @jrosen707
640 followers · 7264 posts · Server

Uh oh! Influential Chicago sax player Mars Williams has MAJOR medical bills after treatment for cancer and many long months of not being able to gig or record.

If you can't donate, please consider sharing. Thank you.

#music #jazz #rock #marswilliams #medicalbills #MusicianLife

Last updated 1 year ago

Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
708 followers · 6741 posts · Server

new tiktok.


had to take my four year old to the last night for a sudden intense headache, and now I get to look forward to a thousands-dollar bill for a two hour visit. even with employer sponsored the in this s**thole country quickly rack up. but by all means, keep voting for Republicans who oppose , who continue to make things ever easier for to rake in money while people who can't afford cancer treatments or insulin die in the streets, while they rob women of bodily autonomy and force them to carry r*pist's babies, even when those babies don't develop vital organs, or place the mother's life in immediate danger, and of course those same repubs consistently vote against any assistance for those same babies AFTER they're born--to say nothing of doing all they can to make it easier and easier for some cis white male to buy guns and shoot up an elementary school the next day... yes, vote for those same repubs who LITERALLY TODAY just voted to cut , because being the country that pays the most for yet has worse results than many other countries that DO pay to keep their citizens healthy makes total sense 🙃

🫗 glug glug!

#emergencyroom #healthinsurance #medicalbills #universalhealthcare #bigpharma #veteranbenefits #healthcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Ellia Ivy McLeod · @elliaivyworld
125 followers · 957 posts · Server

My girlfriend's twin sister was in an accident and is now a paraplegic. She needs help with medical bills and future expenses. She just got out of the Hospital recently. Please contribute if you can or share if you can't.

#gofundme #medicalbills #MutualAidRequest

Last updated 2 years ago

Ellia Ivy McLeod · @elliaivyworld
125 followers · 953 posts · Server

My girlfriend's twin sister was in an accident and is now a paraplegic. She needs help with medical bills and future expenses. She just got out of the Hospital recently. Please contribute if you can or share if you can't.

#gofundme #medicalbills #paralyzed

Last updated 2 years ago

Mary Ellen (she/her/ish/meh?) · @maryellen
489 followers · 1886 posts · Server

I really hate doing this, but... this latest medical emergency comes right on the heels of my missing a month of work with the LAST medical crisis. I have no sick time left, no short-term disability, and the last round of medical bills ate up our cushion of money. We need help, we won't be able to pay our mortgage or bills as it stand now. Anything is appreciated, please boost.

#medicalbills #medicalemergency

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathan Young · @nvyoung
13 followers · 1124 posts · Server

Read 5 Important Facts About Medical Bills
Medical costs are an essential component of the healthcare system. A medical bill itemizing the costs associated with a patient's hospital stay or other medical care is provided after the patient leaves the facility. When it comes to medical bills, people need to have a firm grasp of the termino

#healthandmentaltalkstuff #5importantfactsaboutmedicalbills #medicalbills

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeremy :bat_boy: · @jeremydebose
70 followers · 975 posts · Server

I get my yearly bonus tomorrow and it’s already spent on .

#Healthcare #medicalbills

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Newstarget
2113 followers · 19216 posts · Server

Hospitals refusing to be transparent about the costs of their procedures is bankrupting Americans

#transparency #healthcoverage #medicalbills

Last updated 2 years ago

· @NaturalNews
5939 followers · 27630 posts · Server

Hospitals refusing to be transparent about the costs of their procedures is bankrupting Americans

#transparency #healthcoverage #medicalbills

Last updated 2 years ago

Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server

On the slim to none chance Keanu Reeves is out there since I heard he'll randomly give money to people who need it, I still need to raise $100 or so to finish paying off one of my because the American health care system sucks and so does my pay. I don't REALLY expect people to give me money to help me out, but I figured the worse that happens is someone makes fun of me for asking.


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Hendel · @chrishendel
204 followers · 13 posts · Server

"A total of 41% of US adults, 100 million people, bear medical debts. One of every 8 individuals owes more than $10 000. In Massachusetts, 46% of adults say they skip needed care because of costs. As of 2021, 58% of all collections in the US are for ."

Excellent commentary by former US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Svs administrator, Don Berwick, out today via @JAMA_current

Salve Lucrum: The Existential Threat of Greed in US Health Care

#medicalbills #debt

Last updated 2 years ago

Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server

My butt that was raised by parents from the feels terrible doing this but I keep seeing videos claiming a woman got 40,000 people to each send her $1 to get her out of debt & can't debunk it. I've got some coming up, my deductible is $500 so I know they'll be high, & I've less than $100 in my checking. So I'm going to take a chance, humiliate myself & see if I can get some folks to send me $1.

#genx #silentgeneration #medicalbills

Last updated 2 years ago

Jami · @JamiJR
32 followers · 324 posts · Server

So earlier this year I had to visit urgent care. My health insurance deductible is $500 so I know my is going to be huge. I keep seeing this video claiming a woman paid off her debts by getting 40,000 people to send her $1 each & can't seem to debunk it. So let's see if I can get a slew of people to each send me $1 towards my medical bills. It can't hurt to try.

#bill #medicalbills #itsworthashot

Last updated 2 years ago