Azimech · @Azimech
74 followers · 3619 posts · Server
Håkon Bakke · @BakkeHK
139 followers · 79 posts · Server

The debate on euthanasia seems to have flared up again in Denmark. Both sides talk about a "dignified death."
Whatever your stance, this hospital priests piece on what «a dignified death» means is worth a read (translate it from Danish)

#icu #MedMastodon #death #dying #CriticalCare #ethics #medicalethics

Last updated 1 year ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
382 followers · 33 posts · Server
Russell Sandberg · @sandbergrlaw
354 followers · 288 posts · Server

Gasp at the awesomeness that is the contents page of the latest book in our Analysing Leading Works in Law series published by Routledge.

‘Leading Works in Health Law and Ethics’ edited by Sara Fovargue and Craig Purshouse can be ordered now:

#medicalethics #legalethics #ethics #healthcarelaw #law #legal #analysinglleadingworksinlaw #leadingworks #book #newbook

Last updated 1 year ago

Russell Sandberg · @sandbergrlaw
353 followers · 286 posts · Server
John Henry · @johnhenryus
8 followers · 101 posts · Server
Russell Sandberg · @sandbergrlaw
333 followers · 251 posts · Server

Delighted to announce that Leading Works in International Law edited by Donna Lyon’s will be published by Routledge this November.

It’s one of 5 books coming out in the Analysing Leading Works in Law series this year! For details, see

If you would like to edit a book for the series then please contact me as series editor by email:

#medicalethics #healthcare #ethics #legalethics #legalprofession #criminallaw #leadingworks #law #internationallaw

Last updated 1 year ago

U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
2723 followers · 2214 posts · Server
· @NaturalNews
6067 followers · 29142 posts · Server
Brian Hughes · @b_m_hughes
1745 followers · 430 posts · Server

”Taking a strictly medical approach was problematic, the judge said.

It would solve the medical crisis but was likely to create a significant disturbance to his mental wellbeing.

The judge said the evidence showed the man attached great importance to being mobile and went up and down the hospital corridor 20 to 30 times a day on a zimmer frame.

If he came out of surgery to discover his leg was gone, there would be appalling consequences for him.”


Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1349 followers · 1676 posts · Server


As a further test of the refinement of AI ethics, I asked ChatGPT to compare sacrificing one person to save five in a sinking life raft, to a medical triage situation.


Scenario I) One person is selected with an MCDA process to be thrown overboard in a life raft, to save five other people.

Scenario II) There is only one surgeon. It would take him an hour to save the life of one person with extensive injuries. There are five other people who need 10 minute operations. According to the principles of triage, the surgeon must operate to save five lives.

Please explain how these scenarios are different?


In Scenario I, a decision is made to actively sacrifice one person in order to save the lives of the other five people. This is a decision based on the principle of minimizing harm, where the harm of sacrificing one person is considered to be outweighed by the benefit of saving five people. The selection process may also involve considerations of justice and beneficence, as well as minimizing harm.

In Scenario II, the situation is one where there is limited resources (in this case, the time and attention of the surgeon) and multiple patients in need. The ethical principle of triage is applied in this scenario to allocate resources in the most effective way possible, with the goal of saving as many lives as possible. In this case, the decision to prioritize the five patients with less severe injuries is based on the idea that doing so will lead to the greatest overall benefit to the greatest number of people.

While both scenarios involve difficult decisions about resource allocation and saving lives, they differ in their ethical considerations. In Scenario I, the decision to sacrifice one person is an active decision based on minimizing harm, while in Scenario II, the decision to prioritize certain patients over others is based on triage principles that aim to maximize overall benefit. Additionally, in Scenario II, the duty of the surgeon to provide care to all patients may also be a relevant ethical consideration, while in Scenario I, the selection process may involve additional considerations of justice and beneficence.

#mcda #medicalethics #triage #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
358 followers · 35 posts · Server
miriam heddy · @miri_iron
140 followers · 286 posts · Server

Last night, my 14yo and I watched S5 E8 “Nothing Human,” which dealt with and experimentation on living subjects.

Today, I told him about the US’s & Syphilis “studies.”

Why did the writers—who reference the ‘57 Chevy as Tom Paris’ favorite car—not mention these experiments in the episode?

fans need to know that we have been the Cardassians, too.

That said, I wish was on Mastodon!

#robertpicardo #st #guatemala #tuskegee #medicalethics #voyager #StarTrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan E. Yue (He/Him) · @alaneyue
86 followers · 431 posts · Server

What about folks who can't be organ donors?

Like me.

I've been HIV+ undetectable and healthier than most of my HIV- contemporaries.
Yet I can't even donate blood let alone an organ.

Should people like me be prohibited from receiving an organ?
Or, should people like me be allowed to get an organ, BUT only after other "uncontaminated" people get prioritized first?
What might those priorities be?
Who decides?

#medicalethics #paradox #hiv #secondclasscitizen #organdonation #blooddonation #whodecides

Last updated 2 years ago

Teixi · @teixi
354 followers · 1242 posts · Server
Jill Minor · @jillrhudy
317 followers · 857 posts · Server

I have and am isolating at home. My will not see me or his bureaucracy will not. They dumped me as a patient for not going to the doctor during the pandemic. I can’t get local either. The practice was has a giant crowded facility 30 mins away where all their dumped patients sit for hours infecting each other. I can see a thru insurance but they can’t prescribe. Is this or or just sheer lack of

#covid #doctor #urgentcare #telehealth #malpractice #abandonment #medicalethics #medicine

Last updated 2 years ago

Isha · @ishabluebell
22 followers · 128 posts · Server
Gonzalo · @gcordova
103 followers · 163 posts · Server

Just Published!

Blockchain in Healthcare. From Disruption to Integration

The aim of this book is to provide an integrative, easy-to-understand, and comprehensive picture of the current state of blockchain use in healthcare.


#blockchain #healthcare #informationtechnology #medicalethics #MedicalEducation #pharmacovigilance #COVID19

Last updated 2 years ago

Hugh Young · @hugh
36 followers · 359 posts · Server

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has issued a new policy on .

It is a big step backward from its 2012 policy (, deleting a whole section on foreskin functions, and greatly watering down its section on ethics, in favour of "parental choice".

I have annotated the policy and uploaded it to

#circumcision #intactivism #humanrights #medicalethics #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Hey...Not So Fast · @PattyHanson
293 followers · 1483 posts · Server

My New Year's resolution (offered a day early) is to find a doctor who thinks outside the box and who is willing to listen to ALL my symptoms and evaluate them along with the physical signs in hopes of coming up with a diagnosis. Having worked in the medical field for over 20 years it is becoming increasingly frustrating to have doctors attribute everything to age, weight and level of exercise; not necessarily in that order.

#medicalethics #healthcare

Last updated 2 years ago