FenrirKin · @FenrirKin
168 followers · 190 posts · Server creativewriting.social

So... I set up a GoFundMe toi help with some medical costs.


"But Fen!" I hear you cry, "aren't you in the UK, with the NHS?"

Yes my friends, I am. But because I have the absolute *temerity* to not want to use my uterus, my wishes are being flat out disregarded, so I've had to go private.

Please donate if you can, and share far and wide.

I just want to be able to LIVE.

#pmdd #fundraiser #gofundme #medicalhelp #signalboost #pleasehelp

Last updated 1 year ago

So I've been back to work for two days now. I mostly , so at least I could come back sooner since I'm still not cleared for driving. My periodic onsite work is covered by my awesome coworkers until I get cleared.

By the end of the day today, I started feeling a lump in my throat. I don't feel ill, and I'm not having any issues with breathing or swallowing. I've had it on and off since the about a week ago, but it's more noticeable now. My wife checked online and pretty much confirmed that a / can cause this feeling for up to 6 months.

Does anyone else have experience with this? It's not surprising since a 2-inch incision was made on the front-left side of my neck, and various parts within were shifted to get to the on the right side of my neck. I assume it's something I just need to ride out, but any advice, if possible, is appreciated.

#wfh #surgery #neckfusion #cervicalfusion #herniateddisc #medical #medicalquestion #medicalhelp

Last updated 2 years ago

RP (H) · @Retroprincess
171 followers · 284 posts · Server topspicy.social

Bit of a shot in the dark but any adults with adult and potential out there who can help with chair/seat recommendations? I'm waiting to see number two but complex medical history may prevent etc. I'm an admin worker and struggling to get any guidance or support in the UK for furniture solutions that don't leave me in pain.

#acetabularundercoverage #hipdysplasia #hypermobility #ehlersdanlos #surgeon #arthroscopy #medicalhelp

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @letterus
468 followers · 5686 posts · Server kirche.social

RT @ProjektSeehilfe@twitter.com
Oft fehlt es Geflüchteten an medizinischer Versorgung. In Catania gibt es seit kurzem eine ambulante Poliklinik, die Menschen kostenlos behandelt. Wir werden dieses tolle Projekt unterstützen. /p

#italy #refugees #medicalhelp

Last updated 6 years ago