RT @fabricdragon
Revenge of the gaslit patients: Now, as scientists, they’re tackling Ehlers-Danlos syndromes https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/12/ehlers-danlos-syndrome-patients-turned-researchers/
#medicalmisogyny #eds #ehlersdanlossyndrome
RT @LeaMerone@twitter.com
https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/whr.2022.0052 published today - experiences of women with chronic conditions
#WomensHealth #misogyny #medicalmisogyny #medicalgaslighting #Gaslighting #NEISvoid #MedTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LeaMerone/status/1608198715684327424
#womenshealth #misogyny #medicalmisogyny #medicalgaslighting #gaslighting #NEISvoid #medtwitter
https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/whr.2022.0052 published today - experiences of women with chronic conditions “I just want to feel safe going to see a doctor”
#WomensHealth #misogyny #medicalmisogyny #medicalgaslighting #Gaslighting #NEISvoi
#womenshealth #misogyny #medicalmisogyny #medicalgaslighting #gaslighting #neisvoi
Obviously a large part of it is the fact the symptoms tend to present more severely in women than in men and medical misogyny is unfortunately still common. And in case you're wondering, I've heard of several trans men who have had some symptoms improve upon hormonally transitioning. At least the more "visible" ones like hypermobility. It's hard to say how common this is or to what extent because if there's anything more neglected than women's health it's trans people. #misogyny #medicalmisogyny
If you have ever wondered about #MedicalMisogyny, go onto #TikTok and search for #MedicalMisogyny.
Every.single.female in our support group has experienced it, but our members are not the only ones and the stories on TikTok are horrific
A very positive step from the Australian government with the establishment of the National Women’s Health Advisory Council in addressing #MedicalMisogyny. This is worldwide issues and time for all governments to step up to the plate and address this issue.
Just listened to this podcast episode. It's an oral history of accessing abortions in the US before the Roe v Wade decision.
Absolutely hair raising!
Once again, I am thankful that:
- I live in the early 21st century rather than the mid 20th century (or earlier!)
- I live in a country with "socialized medicine"
- I live in a generally secular society with strong secular institutions
#MyBodyMyChoice #HerStory #ReproductiveChoiceForAll
#mybodymychoice #herstory #reproductivechoiceforall #MedMastodon #medicalmisogyny
‘No one would believe me’: Labor launches women’s health council to tackle #MedicalMisogyny.
This is FANTASTIC news, for all women, and all Australians. #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/08/labor-launches-national-womens-health-advisory-council-to-tackle-medical-misogyny
trying to catch up with some work due to some recent #invisibleillness drama 🦾
today I'll be floating between a #research paper on youth #digitaltransformation & getting ready some #medicalmisogyny art pieces for tomorrow's #art market opening in #Berlin.
All of this while hoping that my body won't give up on me again ( #endometriosis #chroniciillnes)
#chroniciillnes #endometriosis #berlin #art #medicalmisogyny #digitaltransformation #research #invisibleillness
#introduction // a snapshot from my #art studio where most of my #research work also gets written. key topics i cover in my artivism stuff include #genderhealthgap, #feminism, #medicalmisogyny, #invisibledisabilty.
#introduction #art #research #genderhealthgap #feminism #medicalmisogyny #invisibledisabilty