Was the #covid "#pandemic" part of the #Obama #deathpanels?
#medicalmurder #deathpanels #obama #pandemic #COVID
Was the #covid "#pandemic" part of the #Obama #deathpanels? #medicalmurder
#medicalmurder #deathpanels #obama #pandemic #COVID
Medical Murder – JP Humor – Pox Cures
THREE VIDEOS – 2 serious and 1 with a bit of levity impugning the Leftist mind. The order of posting: https://bit.ly/3M7laY8
#MedicalMurder #JPhumor #PoxCuresCoverups
#PoxCuresCoverups #JPhumor #medicalmurder
1.) LIVE Premier TONIGHT!!! 8:45PM ET Amazing Grace: Medical Malfeasance & A Father's Mission to Save Others
The medical industry has been corrupted it is the tragedies of the past two years to wake us up to it. When #bigpharma, insurance, and hospital's bank accounts are the driving force behind medical "care", the line between mistakes & #malfeasance gets blurred, and opens the door for out right #medicalmurder.
#medicalmurder #malfeasance #BigPharma
Dr. Brian Ardis interviewed by Mike Adams about #medicalmurder and hospital #homicide
Dr. Brian Ardis interviewed by Mike Adams about #medicalmurder and hospital #homicide