Check out this brilliant talk from @mikehall314 at last year's #qedcon all about #placebo - what it is, and most importantly, what it isn't!
#Stats nerds, you'll love it. Medics should all watch it.
No thanks to Ben Goldacre, so many otherwise skeptical people consider this particular brand of Magic to be the one that Actually Works.
#sitp #medicalMyths #pseudoscience #skepticism #skeptics #science #scicomm #statistics #badstats
#qedcon #placebo #stats #sitp #medicalmyths #pseudoscience #skepticism #skeptics #Science #scicomm #statistics #badstats
More wishful thinking than medical reality: “Placebos” by Kathryn T. Hall
Dave Hahn
The 'powerful placebo' is a seductive myth that Kathryn T. Hall's "Placebos" can't resist, even though her grand claims clearly misinterpret what the best available evidence says
#medicalmyths #criticalthinking #skeptic #placebos #placebo
More wishful thinking than medical reality: “Placebos” by Kathryn T. Hall
Dave Hahn
The 'powerful placebo' is a seductive myth that Kathryn T. Hall's "Placebos" can't resist, even though her grand claims clearly misinterpret what the best available evidence says
#medicalmyths #criticalthinking #skeptic #placebos #placebo
Gaslighting meeting using the term post-pandemic.
#medicalmyths #COVIDisAirborne #COVID #CovidIsNotOver
The 8 glasses of water a day myth is one of the most well known and durable #MedicalMyths out there.