MDC DSA's Fall 2023 Fall Reading Groups have dropped!
* Origins of #Capitalism
* Public #Power
* #Medicare4All
* #Socialist #ScienceFiction - #TheDisposessed
* #DialecticalMaterialism
* #Film and #Imperialism
* #HousingJustice
More Info:
#capitalism #power #medicare4all #socialist #ScienceFiction #thedisposessed #dialecticalmaterialism #film #imperialism #housingjustice
yes but everyone who makes these arguments needs to also support (and get vocal about) #RankedChoiceVoting so we can get beyond the duopoly. it's a shitty system that makes big changes nearly impossible. the Democratic party doesn't support #Medicare4All, serious efforts to lower college costs, big increases in taxing the wealthy or decreasing the Pentagon budget. what a joke.
#RankedChoiceVoting #medicare4all
If #medicare4all is your core issue and you're not raising the #pandemic as an issue, you're basically full of shit 🤷🏻♂️. Gfto
When Bernie Sanders campaigned for #Medicare4All
Biden promised to veto any bill that did that but instead promised to get the Public Option thru this time cause he's so good at working with 'reasonable' republicans, but instead, he has yet to mentioned the words while in office
From: KFF
"Forty-four states and DC have reported disenrolling more than 4,777,000 Medicaid recipients. Disenrollment rates vary across states, from 72% in Texas to 8% in Wyoming." #Bidenomics
#WithoutNumber #SWN #WWN #CWN
#B5 #Babylon5
#OSR gaming not BroSR gaming
#passengerrail #dragonkingsproject #Space1889After #withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #b5 #babylon5 #osr #worldoflazarus #medicare4all #greennewdeal
Very clearly, her surgery was elective.
#medicare4all #deathtotheskimmers
WSJ: 15 to 17 million people will eventually be pushed off Medicaid now that states have resumed checking that people are eligible. Many of those people are losing coverage because of paperwork or other procedural problems, sometimes with little warning. Advocates and some legislators are urging states to slow down. #medicare4all
Remember that many proposals in 2020 by liberals like Copmala pretending to be #Medicare4All were in fact fake bait-and-switch scams to further #MedicareAdvantage privatization.
That's why I insist on #SinglePayer and #USNHS (a genuine nationalized healthcare system with NO profiteering whatsoever).
(h/t @rchusid)
#medicare4all #medicareadvantage #singlepayer #usnhs
#RFKjr doesn't even support #Medicare4All. WTF. Big pharma hates universal health care and he claims to be on the side of the public. I have a hard time believing he's a liar, but then he's just dumb or crazy.
Private health insurance is too difficult for many people to navigate, especially those with poor mental health. A KFF survey found many of consumers’ insurance problems involved a health plan not paying for care they expected to be covered, not covering a medication or denying or delaying approval for a planned medical service. Most consumers didn’t realize they had the right to appeal health-insurance denials to an independent third party. #Medicare4All #SinglePayer
Fuck you 'Advantage'. #CrueltyIsThePoint #medicare4all
#medicare4all #crueltyisthepoint
Fun fact: #Medicare4All will save you $8k a year AND get you better healthcare.
it's like assuming that because even most Democrats in Congress (House and Senate) won't support #Medicare4All, the American people don't want it by overwhelming margins. same with massively shrinking the Pentagon budget. is there an alternative explanation besides that y'all are corrupted by donors?
from Twitter:
Colin McIntosh by Sheets & Giggles ColinDMcIntosh
“We can’t afford single-payer healthcare.”
Average American income: $71,456
Average American healthcare costs: $12,900
Average premium: $7,911
My question: is paying 18% of your salary to healthcare really less expensive than the taxes needed for a modern single-payer system?
3:12 PM · May 5, 2023
#uspol #uspolitics #healthcare #insurance #lobbying #Medicare4All
#uspol #uspolitics #healthcare #Insurance #lobbying #medicare4all
😡 And yet, where is the "Pro-Life" outrage? 🙄 Here is the future of our for-profit Health-Don't-Care system. Prep yourself to pay for emergency care in advance, right?
"without immediate surgery, her twins had a high chance of perinatal death and she could also die... [but] before Dr. Ruben Quintero would see her, she needed to pay in full for the consultation, surgery, and postoperative care — a total estimate of $15,000.
#medicare4all #universalhealthcare
So a week ago today I had emergency surgery due to diverticulitis in the small intestine.
While #diverticulitis is not uncommon it almost always occurs in the large intestine or colon where the body can auto-magically surround the problem area and prevent leakage/bursting. Not so in the small. If it pops, it's discharging directly into your abdomen.
Thanks to an amazing surgeon, after major unplanned abdominal surgery I literally just walked up the street to the neighbors, maybe 5-6 houses.
I'm not even taking advil.
Just mind boggling what good #quality #medicine can do. I have good employer #health #insurance, #PTO and am entirely able to cover this.
Why the #FUCK can't we get #UniversalHealthCare in the #US?
#diverticulitis #quality #medicine #health #insurance #pto #fuck #universalhealthcare #US #medicare4all #m4a
@lpdahl2 exactly. Govt creating competition when the market won't.
I have no problem with CA simply contracting with a private provider to secure these....and use their purchasing power to just require same prices for all other states.
#insulin #California #ca #gavinnewsom #m4a #medicare4all
Greatest country on Earth! Continued insistence on privatized health insurance to allow profit without benefit extracted from the misery of its populace results in the overall trend. Politicalization of science findings, conspiratorial thinking, and neglect of a gun violence epidemic gives the off-the-cliff drop we're currently in while other countries have recovered. #LifeExpectancy #Medicare4All
How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them.
Internal documents and former company executives reveal how Cigna doctors reject patients’ claims without opening their files. “We literally click and submit,” one former company doctor said.
#Insurance #medicare4all #fraud #wallstreet
@ProPublica Great story, but completely unsurprising. US health insurance is a scam. #medicare4all