It's great how it's general knowledge by now that you shouldn't switch brands with your medication because the use of secondary ingredients changes absorption.
Record scratch, POV: it's 2023 and you're lucky the pharmacy gets you any brand of your meds at all.
So: my mother is currently tripping on opioids. That's fun.
for the first time in my 7.5 years of exogenous hormone therapy, the injectable formulation is in widespread shortage with zero availability in both commonly prescribed esters. gel incoming 🤨 #trans #Canada #MedicationShortage
#trans #canada #medicationshortage
Made a petition with resisbot so that others who are affected (and those who aren’t directly affected but care) could easily contact their representatives and the president to end this #adhd #medicationshortage please sign and share!
Made a petition with resisbot so that others who are affected (and those who aren’t directly affected but care) could easily contact their representatives and the president to end this #adhd #medicationshortage please sign and share!
As an adult with #ADHD it’s frustrating and disappointing that it’s nearly impossible to reliably get the medication I rely on to help function normally. It’s even more discouraging when the pharmacy can’t even give you a guess as to when it might be available again, and confirms that none of the others have it either. I know I’m not alone in dealing with this stuff - and it’s been an issue for months now - and that’s even more infuriating.
#ADHDMeds #MedicationShortage
#adhd #adhdmeds #medicationshortage
I like many others now find meds I'm dependent on are becoming unavailable. Wouldnt it be good if we still had CSL. For me its anti rejection meds and anti depressant but also applies to meds for diabetes and asthma.
#auspol #SupplyLines #Medication #MedShortages #MedicationShortage
#medicationshortage #auspol #supplylines #medication #medshortages
I am sure I'm late to the party here, but I just learned of the diabetes medication shortage from my pharmacy, explaining why my meds are late in being refilled and they don't know when this will change.
If you're in this same position, don't hesitate to contact your doctor and seek out advice on what to do. Good luck and keep a close eye on your numbers!
I'm diabetic and posted here a couple of weeks ago about the effectiveness of a drug I've been on to lower blood sugar called Ozempic. There's now a nationwide shortage because people who are not diabetic are apparently buying it up because a side effect is weight loss. There is a warning not to take it if you're not diabetic. Probably because it could dangerously lower blood sugar in someone who does not have diabetes. And now when I need the drug, I can't get it.
Should Canada produce more medicine amid ongoing shortages? | CityNews Toronto #Tylenol #ChildrensMedication #MedicationShortage #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#tylenol #childrensmedication #medicationshortage #cdnpoli
Should Canada produce more medicine amid ongoing shortages? | CityNews Toronto #Tylenol #ChildrensMedication #MedicationShortage #cdnpoli @cdnpoli
#tylenol #childrensmedication #medicationshortage #cdnpoli
Anyway, like I was saying, what was I saying? The ADHD medication, specifically Adderall and Ritalin are on long-term back order or discontinued (until spring or so). Today, my soul was defeated by the Walgreen’s automated phone call voice while I was calling around to see who had any meds left. For instance, Walgreens on West Zia had 32 pills left. I suppose all of this is good news for the street price of study drugs.
#ADHDmeds #medicationshortage