A Mystery in the E.R.? Ask Dr. Chatbot for a Diagnosis. - At a medical school in Boston, instructors are using ChatGPT in training exercises to hel... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/22/health/chatbot-medical-mystery-diagnosis.html #bethisraeldeaconessmedicalcenter #journaloftheamericanmedicalassn #artificialintelligence #medicineandhealth #medicalschools #research #doctors #chatgpt
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A Mystery in the E.R.? Ask Dr. Chatbot for a Diagnosis. - At a medical school in Boston, instructors are using ChatGPT in training exercises to hel... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/22/health/a-mystery-in-the-er-ask-dr-chatbot-for-a-diagnosis.html #bethisraeldeaconessmedicalcenter #journaloftheamericanmedicalassn #artificialintelligence #medicineandhealth #medicalschools #research #doctors #chatgpt
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Our department has an open TT faculty position in health economics, policy, and outcomes research. #sciencepolicy #academics #seattle #medicineandhealth https://apply.interfolio.com/118994
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Syrian refugee doctor wants to make a difference in underserved area after Ottawa residency. This is a win for a local community.
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They Created a Drug for Susannah. What About Millions of Other Patients? - Scientists have made rapid progress in customizing drugs for ultrarare diseases. The hard... - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/19/health/rare-disease-genetic-treatments.html #drugs(pharmaceuticals) #nonprofitorganizations #rareandorphandiseases #your-feed-healthcare #geneticsandheredity #medicineandhealth #battensdisease #vis-photo #kand
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