Faculty News: Professor Thomas E. A. Dale, the Simona and Jerome Chazen Distinguished Chair of Art History, has been elected to the Medieval Academy of America's Fellows Class of 2023. A prestigious honor, fellows are nominated by their colleagues within the medieval studies community.
Congratulations Prof. Dale on this well-deserved achievement!
#uwmadisonarthistory #uwmadison #arthistory #OnWisconsin #medievalacademy #medievalstudies #maafellow #medievalacademyofamerica #medievalart
#uwmadisonarthistory #uwmadison #arthistory #onwisconsin #medievalacademy #medievalstudies #maafellow #medievalacademyofamerica #medievalart
The #MedievalAcademyOfAmerica weighs in on the incident of an #adjunct art history professor getting fired at #HamlineUniversity:
The statement draws attention to how little protection “precariously employed” adjuncts have against violations of their academic freedom. I would argue that it also shows how much power non-faculty administrators, “deans and deanlets,” have gained over even full-time faculty in the modern university.
#hamlineuniversity #adjunct #medievalacademyofamerica