What People Name Their Cats in Middle Ages: Gyb, Mite, Méone, Pangur Bán & More
https://www.openculture.com/2023/02/what-people-named-their-cats-in-the-middle-ages-gyb-mite-meone-pangur-ban-more.html Open Culture via Medievalists online
Image: Hans von Kulmbach via Metropolitan Museum of Art
#KathleenWalkerMeikle #MedievalCats #MedievalCatsBook #Cats #MiddleAges
#kathleenwalkermeikle #medievalcats #medievalcatsbook #cats #MiddleAges
ik zocht een uitgang op mn kleine eilandje waar ik me in begeef, maar # zijn duidelijk voor mij het helemaal dan. zo ontdekte ik net #medievalcats
Like #MedievalCats, #MedievalOwls were, from time to time, somewhat alarming. Though often associated with wisdom, they were also regarded as bad omens, associated with darkness, violence, and mourning.
#Owls #Mythology #Medieval #MedievalArt #MedievalOwls #MedievalAnimals
#medievalcats #medievalowls #owls #mythology #medieval #medievalart #medievalanimals
Good boys in Medieval Art.
1) Dog singing from a hymnal. Summer volume of the Breviary of Renaud/Marguerite de Bar, Metz c. 1302-1305.
2) Dog taking divine dictation. Summer volume of the Breviary of Renaud/Marguerite de Bar, Metz c. 1302-1305.
3) Grumpy Flanders marginalia dog.
4) Dog treating a cat for melancholia, probably with milk thistle.
#MedievalDogs #MedievalCats #MedievalArt #Art #Medieval #Manuscripts #Medievodon
📷 williammorristile - https://williammorristile.com/medieval/medieval_dogs.html
#medievaldogs #medievalcats #medievalart #art #medieval #manuscripts #medievodon
@trans_versality sorry to hear :/ The tags #Cats and #CatsOfMastodon are pretty active, so a person could start by following those! This person
posts #MedievalArt involving cats, which I thought was pretty great! (Edit: oh, and #MedievalCats has more content than I expected!)
Lastly, here's a picture of my cat that I've posted before, but I think it's fun.
#medievalcats #medievalart #catsofmastodon #cats
Following on from yesterday's Medieval Cats, may I offer you Part II - Medieval Cats as Snails. Cats, back in the day, symbolised cruelty and lust, whilst the snail represented laziness, so two deadly sins in one.
#MedievalCats #MedievalCatsAsSnails #MedievalArt #Snails #Art #Cats
📷 karlshuker - http://karlshuker.blogspot.com/2015/08/medieval-snail-cats-in-illuminated.html
#medievalcats #medievalcatsassnails #medievalart #snails #art #cats
I do love #medievalcat drawings, and agree they have a place in the fediverse, but I see your #medievalcats and raise you some #medievalcrab drawings…
(Pictures are depictions of the Cancerian crab - the #medievalzodiac is a weird and wonderful rabbit hole to explore)
#medievalzodiac #medievalcrab #medievalcats #medievalcat
I’m loving it here, amongst pictures of seas and trees, starfish walking, medieval cats and crystal dagger archeology. It’s truly a joy for the curious to explore and meet such interesting people. It’s been a long time since I wasn’t algorithmically redirected and been able to organically explore connections. #curiosity #wildlifephotography #newtomastodon #archeology #medievalcats
#curiosity #wildlifephotography #newtomastodon #archeology #medievalcats
I haven't seen a single "sponge case" post here yet, but I have seen #MedievalCats, so I think we're doing something right.
@ontheriverrede this is my favourite #MedievalCat
#medievalcat #medievalcats #medievalart
I couldn't find a hashtag for #MedievalCats so I thought I should maybe fix that.
#medievalcats #art #medievalart