Walpurgis Night (30 April, annually) is a modern-day European and Scandinavian festival derived from the merging of the ancient pagan celebration of Beltane with the commemoration of the canonization of the Christian Saint Walpurga (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Walpurgis_Night/ #History #MedievalChurch #WalpurgisNight #WheeloftheYear
#wheeloftheyear #walpurgisnight #medievalchurch #History
The outbreak of plague in Europe between 1347-1352 – known as the Black Death – completely changed the world of medieval Europe. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1543/effects-of-the-black-death-on-europe/ #History #BlackDeath #Feudalism #MedievalChurch
#medievalchurch #feudalism #blackdeath #History
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (c. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1804/boethius-first-of-the-medievals/ #History #Boethius #MedievalChurch #Philosophy
#philosophy #medievalchurch #Boethius #History
John Wycliffe (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/John_Wycliffe/ #History #BlackDeath #JohnWycliffe #MedievalChurch
#medievalchurch #johnwycliffe #blackdeath #History
A Medieval Monastery was an enclosed and sometimes remote community of monks led by an abbot who shunned worldly goods to live a simple life of prayer and devotion. https://www.worldhistory.org/Medieval_Monastery/ #History #Bede #DissolutionoftheMonasteries #MedievalChurch
#medievalchurch #dissolutionofthemonasteries #bede #History
There were many famous women of early Christianity who made significant contributions to the development of the faith but have since been largely forgotten. #History #PaulTheApostle #MedievalChurch #Christianity #HistoryFacts https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1409/ten-should-be-famous-women-of-early-christianity/
#historyfacts #christianity #medievalchurch #paultheapostle #History
There were many famous women of early Christianity who made significant contributions to the development of the faith but have since been largely forgotten. #History #PaulTheApostle #MedievalChurch #Christianity #HistoryFacts https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1409/ten-should-be-famous-women-of-early-christianity/
#historyfacts #christianity #medievalchurch #paultheapostle #History
The medieval indulgence was a writ offered by the Church, for money, guaranteeing the remission of sin, and its abuse was the spark that inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses.https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1902/medieval-indulgence--martin-luther/ #MartinLuther #MedievalChurch #ProtestantReformation #History
#History #ProtestantReformation #medievalchurch #MartinLuther
The Black Death of 1347-1352 CE is the most infamous plague outbreak of the medieval world, unprecedented and unequaled until the 1918-1919 CE flu pandemic in the modern age. The cause of the plague was unknown and, in accordance with the general understanding of the Middle Ages, was attributed to supernatural forces and, primarily, the will or wrath of God.
https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1541/religious-responses-to-the-black-death/ #BlackDeath #Islam #MedievalChurch #History
#History #medievalchurch #islam #blackdeath
Thomas Becket (aka Thomas á Becket) was chancellor to Henry II of England (r. 1154-1189) and then archbishop of Canterbury (1162 to 1170). Thomas repeatedly clashed with his sovereign over the relationship between the Crown and Church, particularly the right of Church courts to try clerics. Thomas was murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral on 29 December 1170.
https://www.worldhistory.org/Thomas_Becket/ #HenryIIofEngland #MedievalChurch #ThomasBecket
#ThomasBecket #medievalchurch #henryiiofengland
For the last two years I've visited this church as part of my volunteer role for English Heritage. I've just completed my last volunteering task as I'll be starting a full time job in January.
This is St Martin's Church at Wharram Percy deserted medieval village.
#RuinedChurch #EnglishHeritage #WharramPercy #StMartinsChurch #MedievalChurch #DesertedMedievalVillage #Yorkshire
#ruinedchurch #englishheritage #wharrampercy #stmartinschurch #medievalchurch #desertedmedievalvillage #yorkshire
It's probably a bit odd how much I love medieval churches. St. Lawrence's in Warkworth was lovely but maybe made a bit more special by the spooky nun sitting quietly at the back (probably spookier since we had just watched the 'champing' episode of 'Inside Number 9') - the ghost nun can be seen in one of the pics.
#Warkworth #StLawrenceWarkworth #Church #MedievalChurch #Ghost #InsideNumber9
#InsideNumber9 #ghost #medievalchurch #church #stlawrencewarkworth #warkworth
I took some photos inside our local church this morning. The sunlight was beautiful- this is the first of a few I’ll be posting #Church #Architecture #ChurchWindow #Photography #Light #MedievalChurch #History #EnglishHistory #Suffolk #SuffolkChurches #ChurchesOfSuffolk #StPetersChurch
#stpeterschurch #churchesofsuffolk #suffolkchurches #suffolk #EnglishHistory #History #medievalchurch #light #Photography #churchwindow #architecture #church
I took some photos inside our local church this morning. The sunlight was beautiful- this is the first of a few I’ll be posting #Church #Architecture #ChurchWindow #Photography #Light #MedievalChurch #History #EnglishHistory #Suffolk #SuffolkChurches #ChurchesOfSuffolk #StPetersChurch
#stpeterschurch #churchesofsuffolk #suffolkchurches #suffolk #EnglishHistory #History #medievalchurch #light #Photography #churchwindow #architecture #church
The Diet of Worms (January-May 1521) was the assembly convened by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to address, among other issues, the works of the reformer Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) who openly criticized the Church. Luther was told to recant and, when he would not, was charged with heresy, marking his official break with the Church.
https://www.worldhistory.org/Diet_of_Worms/ #DietofWorms #MartinLuther #MedievalChurch
#medievalchurch #MartinLuther #dietofworms