This is a big deal.
It was the first official account of Elizabeth I’s reign, one of the most valuable sources on early modern Britain, commissioned by her successor, King James I. But, for 400 years, no one has been able to read passages on hundreds of pages of this manuscript because they had been so heavily revised and self-censored by their 17th-century author, apparently to avoid punishment for offending his patron.
#history #medieval #histodons #medievaldons #elizabethan
Morning my #Histodons and #HistoriansOfMastodon and let’s not forget all our #medievaldons
An #AngloSaxon burial site containing the remains of more than 140 people interred with some of their most favoured objects, including jewellery, knives and even a personal grooming kit, has been discovered by archaeologists working on the HS2 route.
#histodons #historiansofmastodon #medievaldons #anglosaxon #history #medieval #archeology
Geschafft! Unser Themenheft 15 ist da: 'Bibelepik. Mediävistische Perspektiven auf eine europäische Tradition'. Es kann #openaccess hier gelesen werden:
#Medievaldons #Mittelalter #Narratologie #Literatur #narratology #medievalliterature #bible
#openaccess #medievaldons #mittelalter #Narratologie #literatur #narratology #medievalliterature #bible
One thing I'm absolutely loving about Mastodon is the incredible, niche communities I'm discovering via hashtags.
Here are some that I'm loving:
#Caturday (okay not niche, but you know...cats)
#MedievalMastodon and #Medievaldons
Goes without saying #bookstodon is a must.
Got anymore - share them below! I'm collecting inspiration. 🤗
#bookstodon #illuminatedmanuscript #medievaldons #medievalmastodon #Astrodon #Mosstodon #caturday #romanfortthursday
🇨🇵 Nous souhaitons à tous nos lecteurs une bonne année 2023 ! A la fin de l'année, le cahier thématique BmE 14 "Medieval Forms of First-Person Narration : Narrativity and Discoursivity (Villa Vigoni Talks II)", complété en permanence, a été publié. Il contient également deux articles en français.
#openaccess #Medievaldons #medieval #literature #narratology
#openaccess #medievaldons #medieval #literature #narratology
Here's an OEPF Old English microreading for the day:
The Exeter Books has a few archaic letter forms - while the F-shaped "y" occurs on nearly every page, the "oc" form of "a" is much more rare.
But here it is in the wild, on f. 77r of the Exeter Book.
Check it out for yourself, along with 220 digital editions and translations of Old English poems:
#OldEnglish #manuscripts #medieval #MedievalMastodon #medievaldons #DigitalHumanities
#OldEnglish #manuscripts #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
Here's an OEPF Old English microreading for the day:
The Exeter Book has a few archaic letter forms - while the F-shaped "y" occurs on nearly every page, the "oc" form of "a" is much more rare.
But here it is in the wild, on f. 77r (in "The Wanderer").
Check it out for yourself, along with 220 digital editions and translations of Old English poems:
#OldEnglish #manuscripts #medieval #MedievalMastodon #medievaldons #DigitalHumanities
#OldEnglish #manuscripts #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
Grades in, study reconfigured. Let's get another edition going - got a pretty significant one coming up just in time for the holidays 🙂.
#OldEnglish #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
#OldEnglish #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
Grades in, study reconfigured. Let's get another edition going - got a pretty significant one coming up just in time for the holidays 🙂.
#OldEnglish #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
#OldEnglish #medieval #medievalmastodon #medievaldons #digitalhumanities
Geschafft! Das Jahresheft 5 (2022) der BmE ist online und kann #openaccess hier gelesen werden:
#Medievaldons #Mittelalter #Narratologie #Literatur #narratology #medievalliterature
#openaccess #medievaldons #mittelalter #Narratologie #literatur #narratology #medievalliterature
Just made the jump, trying to figure out what’s up and down over here. I’m a #medievalist who played around on #medievaltwitter and am exited to figure out the #histodons #medievalmastodon #medievaldons over here.
#medievaldons #medievalmastodon #histodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER #medievalist
Bevor demnächst unser neues Jahresheft 2022 online geht (#OpenAccess) ist jetzt die Gelegenheit, einen Blick in die inzwischen 13 Themenhefte der 'Beiträge zur mediävistischen Erzählforschung' zu werfen, die seit 2018 erschienen sind: Enjoy!
#Mittelalter #Medievaldons #medieval #medievalliterature #literature #literatur #erzählen #narratology #Narratologie
#openaccess #mittelalter #medievaldons #medieval #medievalliterature #literature #literatur #erzählen #narratology #Narratologie
Bevor demnächst unser neues Jahresheft 2022 online geht (#OpenAccess) ist jetzt die Gelegenheit, einen Blick in die inzwischen 13 Themenhefte der 'Beiträge zur mediävistischen Erzählforschung' zu werfen, die seit 2018 erschienen sind: Enjoy!
#Mittelalter #Medievaldons #medieval #medievalliterature #literature #literatur #erzählen #narratology #Narratologie
#openaccess #mittelalter #medievaldons #medieval #medievalliterature #literature #literatur #erzählen #narratology #Narratologie
Themenheft 13 ist online - und es ist die erste Monographie in dieser Reihe: 'Remetaphorisierungen. Der Heilige Geist in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalter' von Anja Becker:
#medieval #Mittelalter #Literatur #literature #narratology #OpenAccess #Medievaldons #medievalism #medievalliterature #theology #Theologie
#medieval #mittelalter #literatur #literature #narratology #openaccess #medievaldons #medievalism #medievalliterature #theology #theologie
me: "This caffeinated med is great for my pain & doesn't really affect my mood."
me 10 min later: "Oh! Oh! And the OTHER miracle of the implausible infant Saint Rumwald of Buckingham was making a blaspheming lord's bride vanish at the banquet in a puff of pot pourri!"
#histodons need vary patient friends.
#histodons #medievaldons #Histodon #chronicpain
I have written about the watermarks and paper consumption in the castle scriptorium in 1389-1434 in a book on "The Paper trade in Early Modern Europe" edited by @dbellingradt and #AnnaReynolds published in 2021. #paperhistory #medieval #earlymodernodons #medievaldons
#annareynolds #paperhistory #medieval #earlymodernodons #medievaldons
Time for a belated introduction!
I'm a medievalist, teaching graduate Medieval Latin courses in the DC area and paleography virtually and IRL (e.g. for HMML and in workshops).
I'm currently working on an open-access Latin paleography textbook and also writing a novel about nuns and archaeologists. I have high hopes that procrastinating on one of those projects will result in finishing the other, or vice-versa.
Since 2010, most of my work in DC has been in historic preservation, with a focus on the architecture and development of DC's neighborhoods. A lot of my energy over in the other place was devoted to local DC matters—yelling about statehood, yelling at District agencies, following weather and traffic, etc. I expect I will remain there for those purposes as long as those functions continue.
#paleography #medievaldons #medieval #manuscripts #nuns #womenreligious #benedictines #archaeology #dchistory #dcstatehood #historicpreservation #preservation
#preservation #historicpreservation #dcstatehood #dchistory #archaeology #benedictines #womenreligious #nuns #manuscripts #medieval #medievaldons #paleography
I have discovered #medievaldons and I am so, so very happy.
Here's one of my favorite fantastical marginalia friends: this eagle monk who clearly wants to be left alone to do his reading.
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1420-1425. - MS M.1004 fol. 126v