Projet d'été (de dernière minute) : étude de The Green Knight (2021) de David Lowery - bon courage à tous les agrégatifs d'anglais !
Dieu que la photographie de ce film est belle...
#medieval #medievalism #movie #TheGreenKnight #agregationanglais #agregation
#medieval #medievalism #movie #thegreenknight #agregationanglais #agregation
The latest volume of The Year’s Work in #Medievalism—a whopping double issue—has been published, including my #nuntastic piece on "Sister Warriors: Medievalism and Tropes of Women’s Empowerment in Netflix’s 'Warrior Nun'".
See me get to use the term "nunsploitation" in an academic paper!
"Historical fiction can show us how the past still haunts the present. However, at its best, it also does the inverse: to help us learn from how the past is strange to modern sensibilities, to see how things were different once and so could be different again."
#medieval #medievalism #historicalfiction #womenshistory
#medieval #medievalism #historicalfiction #womenshistory
I'm always interested to see where #medievalism crops up in fashion, as in the latest runway collection from designer Elie Saab. The collection's inspiration "was drawn from period movies set in the Middle Ages", so definitely playing with later ideas about the time more so than the history itself. (If intermittently, I think.) I would definitely wear some of these capes to teach my Medievalism course this coming semester!
(Deeply amused at the Vogue reviewer's comment about "the monastic medieval lines of capes, trailing trains, and décolletages." Can you imagine the reaction of Bernard of Clairvaux to being told that a monastic habit should show a little cleavage?)
This morning I noticed that Valerie Frankel's "Jewish Fantasy Worldwide: Trends in Speculative Stories from Australia to Chile" is on Google Books - including my chapter my chapter "Ancient Jewish Elements in Twenty-First-Century Alfredian Fanfiction"!🥳
Check it out, the whole collection is a fascinating read:
#jewish #fantasy #KingAlfred #fanfiction #Alfredism #medievalism
#jewish #fantasy #kingalfred #fanfiction #alfredism #medievalism
My first journal article is in the world: "An Un-Silent Cry: Revisiting Feminist Liberation Theology with Margery Kempe" is featured in Vol. 37 of the Kentucky Philological Review.
I submitted this piece for the Graduate Student Award in 2021. After years away from the KPA conference, I was eager to (virtually) see some of my favourite people again, such as Dr. David McKay Powell, Prof. Shayne Confer, and Dr. Rebecca Brackmann. In the end, when the prize was mine, that was just the cherry on top.
If you're interested in reading the article in full, visit
#journal #medievalism #Writing #academic #feminist
The Medievalism of Naruto #Naruto #medievalism
New Medieval Books: Erotic Medievalisms: Medieval Pleasures Empowering Marginalized People #medievalism #books #sexuality
#medievalism #books #sexuality
My article on "‘Normans’ vs. ‘Saxons’: Cinematic Imaginaries of Race and Nation in Angevin England, 1938–1964" has just been published in the special issue I've edited on "Remembering the Angevins" for Open Library of Humanities.
It's open-access and can be viewed and/or downloaded here:
#medievalism #medieval #history #histodons #film
The first article in my special issue for the Open Library of Humanities journal has been published!
Please go to for the homepage and scroll down for Hilary Rhodes's piece on "Richard the Lionheart, Contested Queerness, and Crusading Memory."
No pay wall. Open access.
#opensource #medievalism #medieval #history
New Medieval Books: Dictionnaire du Moyen Age Imaginaire: Le médiévalisme, hier et aujourd’hui #books #medievalism
Fair Rosamund by John William Waterhouse, 1916.
Context: depicts Rosamund Clifford, mistress of Henry II of England.
#ClassicArt #Art #Painting #PublicDomain #EnglishArtist #20thCentury #20thCenturyArt #Romanticism #PreRaphaelite #HistoryPainting #EnglishHistory #Medievalism #MiddleAges #Rosamund #FairRosamund #RosamundClifford
#medievalism #rosamundclifford #fairrosamund #rosamund #middleages #EnglishHistory #historypainting #preraphaelite #romanticism #20thcenturyart #20thcentury #englishartist #PublicDomain #Painting #Art #classicart
Here is a nice clean interface to read the first five installments of my serial pandemic climate techno-thriller.
An Iceland village wiped out by a plague in 1348 thaws out, and with it, a unique virus.
It falls into the hands of sinister forces: a criminal syndicate; a religious cult; the Russian police; fascist militias in Ukraine. Joanna Smythe, PhD, is a microbiologist and an FBI agent...
#hackers, evil #scientists...mature themes.
#actionthriller #serialnovel #authors #sciencefiction #historicalfiction #medievalism #climatechange #myth and #women
#hackers #scientists #actionthriller #serialnovel #authors #sciencefiction #historicalfiction #medievalism #climatechange #myth #women
Le séminaire "Médiévalisme en séries" a porté sur les "Postérités de Tolkien" le 14 janvier dernier. C'est en rediffusion sur la chaine Youtube de Tolkiendil :
#tolkien #Ringsofpower #medievalism #academia
I've thought about "Passport to Pimlico" and I've thought about "The Mouse that Roared" but I've never thought about them at the same time. What to they tell us about mid-century #medievalism? hmmm
Themenheft 13 ist online - und es ist die erste Monographie in dieser Reihe: 'Remetaphorisierungen. Der Heilige Geist in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalter' von Anja Becker:
#medieval #Mittelalter #Literatur #literature #narratology #OpenAccess #Medievaldons #medievalism #medievalliterature #theology #Theologie
#medieval #mittelalter #literatur #literature #narratology #openaccess #medievaldons #medievalism #medievalliterature #theology #theologie
"Corwen in the Shadow of Glyndwr" #statues #owainglyndwr #medievalism #medieval #Wales #Corwen
#statues #owainglyndwr #medievalism #medieval #Wales #Corwen
"Corwen in the Shadow of Glyndwr" #statues #owainglyndwr #medievalism #medieval #Wales #Corwen
#statues #owainglyndwr #medievalism #medieval #Wales #Corwen
🎥 Está a decorrer durante este mês, na Cinemateca Portuguesa, o ciclo “Luz e Sombra — Representações da Idade Média no Cinema”.
O “ciclo é um convite a uma viagem a um universo onde o fantástico, o lendário e o histórico se entrelaçam. Para o deleite do amador de géneros históricos, assim como do grande público.”
Veja o programa para os próximos dias!
#filmcycle #middleages #medievalism #cinema #cinemateca
🎥 Aqui fica um pequeno aperitivo do ciclo “Luz e Sombra — Representações da Idade Média no Cinema”, que se inicia ao final do dia de hoje, na Cinemateca Portuguesa, e que vai decorrer durante todo o mês de Dezembro.
#filmcycle #middleages #medievalism