Ms: Cambridge, Trinity College, MS B. 11. 22, f. 209r (13th/14th c.). #medievalcat #medievaltwitter
#otd 1159 died Nicholas Breakspear, as Adrian IV the only Englishman on the Holy See. His coffin in the Vatican Grottoes looked like this in 1914. For more current images, visit: http://www.vaticanhistory.de/pm/html/hadrian_iv_.html #medievaldeath #medievaltwitter
Pic: Wikipedia Commons
#medievaltwitter #medievaldeath #otd
#otd 1231 Eleanor of Portugal, Queen of Denmark, died. She was buried in Ringsted Church. The picture shows hair and a piece of silk, both found during a grave opening. #medievaltwitter #medieval @medievodons @historikerinnen
Pic: Wikipedia Commons
#medieval #medievaltwitter #otd
Ms: Tours, BM, 2273 A, f. 005v (15th c.). #medievalcat #medievaltwitter
#otd 1253 Clare of Assisi died. she was the founder of the Order of Saint Clare. In 1260 her remains were transferred to the Basilica di Santa Chiara, where today this wax figure is displayed in her memory. #medievaltwitter #medievaldeath
Pic: WC
#medievaldeath #medievaltwitter #otd
#otd 1106 died emperor Henry IV. He was buried several times, before he found his final resting place in Speyer cathedral. The coffin with the bones has survived to this day (here: the skull, photo taken in 1900). Pic.: Stadtarchiv Speyer, 233-1 / 1025 #medievaldeath #medievaltwitter
#medievaltwitter #medievaldeath #otd
Bock, Nils, Die Herolde im römisch-deutschen Reich: Studie zur adligen Kommunikation im späten Mittelalter (Mittelalter-Forschungen 49), Ostfildern 2015.
#medievaltwitter #openaccessmiddleages
RT @erik_kaars
Why are we not talking about Sir William Neville & Sir John Clanvowe, the two gay English knights buried together in a tomb with marriage motifs???
Who were friends with Chaucer and possibly the inspiration for his The Knight's Tale?
And also maybe SPIES? #MedievalTwitter
RT @erik_kaars@twitter.com
Why are we not talking about Sir William Neville & Sir John Clanvowe, the two gay English knights buried together in a tomb with marriage motifs???
Who were friends with Chaucer and possibly the inspiration for his The Knight's Tale?
And also maybe SPIES? #MedievalTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/erik_kaars/status/1674852927838486550
The last dress has no pockets - that doesn't matter when you have the epithet "of the Empty Pockets". #otd 1439 died Frederick IV of Austria. He was buried in the Stams Abbey Church - his grave is in the floor (behind the lectern). #medievaldeath #medievaltwitter Pic: WC
#medievaltwitter #medievaldeath #otd
Tonight: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm CEST the online event celebrating the launch of the Handschriftenportal (German national manuscript portal) takes place. The event will be held in German only. Find the link to Zoom in the PDF: https://handschriftenzentren.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/hsp_live_event_hsp_ohne_beta_einladung1.pdf… #IIIF #medievaltwitter
Happy looking fellow.
Ms: BNF, Français 288, f. 31v. #medievalcat #medievaltwitter
#otd 1326 died Maurice de Berkeley, 2nd Baron Berkeley, called The Magnanimous. He had rebelled against Edward II and the Despensers and died in captivity. His tomb (17c.) is found in Bristol Cathedral. #medievaldeath #medievaltwitter
Pic: Wikipedia Commons
#medievaltwitter #medievaldeath #otd
#otd 1471, shortly after the Battle of Tewkesbury (see https://troet.cafe/@dailymedievaldeath/110309594224562860) Edmund Beaufort was executed. He had previously sought shelter in Tewkesbury cathedral. #medievaldeath #medievaltwitter
MS: Besançon, BM, 1168, f 6v
#medievaltwitter #medievaldeath #otd
RT @MedievalUpdates
Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, Vol. 41, No. 1 (2023): Los cauces de la lealtad. Vasallaje y clientelismo, tierra y dinero en la España medieval
#medievaltwitter #medievals…
#revistasacademicas #medievaltwitter #medievals
RT @rmkarras
Colleagues of #medievaltwitter: if you have a flyer, poster, slide advertising a medieval women/gender class, I’d love to have a copy or link via dm or email. I’m writing a talk in which I mention that such classes are widely taught, & would like to show a few examples in my ppt
You need this game!
Hear me out:
This is one of my all time indie faves.
#TTRPG #medievaltwitter
RT @gabokerr
In the Velouria #TTRPG we tell tales of bards chasing fame and their eventual triumph in the annual contest held at the Emerald Hall. Each crowd has their preference and each bard their style. What is yours?