Die Anmeldefrist zur Online-Teilnahme an unserem Forschungstag (21./22. September) endet am Freitag (15.9.). Alle Infos und das aktuelle Programm unter http://www.fembi.de/index.php/fembi-2023/. #medievodons #Mediävistik @medievodons
Restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral as of mid-August, 2023
#Paris #France 🇫🇷
#FotoMontag #PhotoMonday #fotografia #photographie #UrbaneFotografie #UrbanPhotography #ArchitecturePhotography #ArchitecturalHistory #architectuur #arkitektur #ChurchArchitecture #SmartphonePhotography #写真 #マストドン写真部 #TravelPhotography #reisen #urlaub #christianity #catholicism #medievodons #MedievalStudies
#paris #France #Fotomontag #Photomonday #fotografia #photographie #urbanefotografie #urbanphotography #architecturephotography #architecturalhistory #architectuur #arkitektur #churcharchitecture #smartphonephotography #写真 #マストドン写真部 #travelphotography #reisen #urlaub #christianity #Catholicism #medievodons #medievalstudies
@oldbookillustrations Does the book identify this knight of late #14thCentury #France carrying a shield with 3 chevrons?
#medieval #heraldry #medievodons #histodons @medievodons @histodons
#14thcentury #france #medieval #heraldry #medievodons #histodons
No more slacking! The #Vatican is back at work, digitizing 47 #Manuscripts http://www.wiglaf.org/vatican/2023/week34.html
Including a few more Henry Stevenson Jr, a lovely Italian Pontifical, more sermons and Conciliar Acta, a partial glossed bible and a 19th C Russian Liturgical text, with neumes. And a Quran, just to be sure
#Medieval #Medievodons @bookhistodons @medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #manuscripts #vatican
Jutta Beumann: Sigebert von Gembloux und der Traktat de investitura episcoporum Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts (Vorträge u. Forschungen. SB 20), Sigmaringen 1976.
#medievodons #medieval #openaccessmiddleages
Klaus Militzer: Das Markgröninger Heilig-Geist-Spital im Mittelalter. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts (Vorträge u. Forschungen. SB 19), Sigmaringen 1975.
#medievodons #medieval #openaccessmiddleages
No new #Manuscripts from #Vatican this week, they're still on vacation. Instead I made some code improvements to enable proper OpenGraph previews
For those interested in such things, the code is on #GitHub
#Medievodons @medievodons #Medieval #DH @bookhistodons
#dh #medieval #medievodons #github #vatican #manuscripts
#otd 1227 Genghis Khan died. Many causes are reported - diseases, a fall from a horse, the dagger of a princess. Marco Polo reports - almost boringly - an arrow wound got infected. Ms.: BNF Francaise 2810, f. 27v. #medievaldeath #medieval #medievodons @medievodons @histodons
#medievodons #medieval #medievaldeath #otd
Ellis, C. (2021). Remembering the Vikings: Ancestry, cultural memory and geographical variation. History Compass, 19(4). https://doi.org/10.1111/hic3.12652 #OpenAccess #OA #Journal #Article #History #Histodon #Histodons #Britain #Ireland #Europe #Historiography #Literature #Migration #Medieval #Medievodons #Viking #Vikings #Academia #Academic #Academics @medievodons @histodon @histodons
#openaccess #academic #oa #journal #article #history #histodon #histodons #britain #ireland #europe #historiography #literature #migration #medieval #medievodons #viking #vikings #academia #academics
First Danish #BookOfHours has been added to #Cokldb in Lund Universirt Medeltidshandskrift 35, aka the Karen Ludvigsdatters Tidebog. Undecorated, except for a few crude penwork initials, mostly at the start of an office (see start of the Joys of the BVM on f.66r below)
#Medieval #Medievodons @medievodons
#medievodons #medieval #CoKLDB #bookofhours
Just a note, the #Vatican is on vacation this week, so no #Manuscripts were digitized.
#medieval #medievodons #manuscripts #vatican
#otd 1191 Archbishop Philip I died in Naples. He was buried in Cologne Cathedral, where he was reburied into this beautiful high tomb in the middle of the 14th century. #medievaldeath #Medieval #medievodons @medievodons
Pic.: Wikipedia Commons.
#medievodons #medieval #medievaldeath #otd
#otd 1484 Pope Sixtus IV died. His artful tomb, made by Antonio del Pollaiolo, is today in the Vatican grottoes. #medievaldeath #medieval #medievodons @medievodons
Pic: Wikipedia Commons
#medievodons #medieval #medievaldeath #otd
Dreamed about these books last night … I have #BookHistory on the brain!
#bookhistory #musicalbookhistory #earlymusic #earlymodern #medievodons
A week is a long time in #LinoCut. I think I have finally understood the rudiments. My take on Fountains Abbey, #Yorkshire. #Lino. #BlackAndWhite #Medieval #Romanesque #Architecture #Rehab #medievodons
#medievodons #rehab #architecture #Romanesque #medieval #BlackAndWhite #lino #yorkshire #linocut
36 #Manuscripts from the #Vatican this week
Includes a slew of Greek Patristics, an early Bede with a flawed Carmina Figuratam as a flyleaf, some Latin bibles and yet _more_ by Henry Stevenson, Jr.
@medievodons #Medievodons @bookhistodons #Medieval
#medieval #medievodons #vatican #manuscripts
Does anyone recognize this #Medieval #Diagram
Source is BAV Ott.lat.877 f.1r. I think this was originally a flyleaf that just had the title of the work (Bede's _Historia Anglorum_), but the cruciform thing is puzzling me
@medievodons #Medievodons
#medievodons #diagram #medieval
Reliquary Chasse, 12th Century
Limoges #France 🇫🇷
National Gallery of Art, #WashingtonDC
#TombTuesday #ArtHistory #MuseumArchive #Christianity #Catholicism #ArtMuseum #religion #Medievodons #medieval
#France #WashingtonDC #TombTuesday #arthistory #museumarchive #christianity #Catholicism #artmuseum #religion #medievodons #medieval
@catominor (you need more besides me??? ;) ) I've been using #Medievodons as a tag, there's also a grup.pe for that tag you can join - https://mastodon.cc/@medievodons@a.gup.pe
@EdwardOvercoat What a huge & wonderful project!
& very deep rabbit hole 🕳️ 🐇
on the origins, spelling & popularity of names. Such interesting variations & influences!
#Medieval #Names #NameStudies #medievodons @medievodons
#medieval #names #namestudies #medievodons