(Christian #holidays are set according to the Pope Gregory Calendar, which is not a lunisolar calendar like the normal one, and is why most of their holidays move around the year.)
(A “Pope” is like the Christian chief rabbi who rules over #MedinatVatican and all Christians.)
holidays only 1 day even outside #MedinatVatican: see link
Nothing new for JWHIA dear Teachers toot 4/.
post 5:
Yom /jom (Hebrew), jam (Jewish English)/ = day
ha (also ha') /hə/ (Hebrew prefix) = 1. the; 2. that, who; 3. question marker
Kadosh /kaˈdoʃ (Hebrew), ˈkʌdəʃ (Jewish English)/ = holy/saint
Yom Saint Francis Ha'Kadosh = "day (of) Saint Francis the holy" [Feast Day of Saint Francis]
@jewwhohasitall It amuses me when you say stuff like #MedinatVatican and Yom Saint Francis HaKodesh. At the same time, I wonder why. It sounds funny.
We are still weeks away from #Chanukah (even though sufganiyot have already been on bakery shelves for weeks! WHY??), but we are entering into what our #Christian friends refer to as "The Christian Holiday Season."
Did you know that #Christians have more #chagim than just Yom Saint Francis Ha’Kadosh?
Surprisingly, in countries like #MedinatVatican, the #HolidaySeason is beginning now!
#dearteachers #chanukah #christian #christians #chagim #medinatvatican #holidayseason
@PaganWhoHasItAll @jewwhohasitall
#PaganWhoHasItAll reviews:
"An essential contribution to contemporary theological debate." - the Bishop of Planet Thanet.
"I too went to Englalaland and trod in it." - Francis, Bishop of #MedinatVatican
"A threat to our whole mission: this could divert our entire readership." - The Tablet.
"I'll keep you in my prayers." - Rubí donkey, #equusasinus and life coach.
#paganwhohasitall #medinatvatican #equusasinus
@jewterpretor @jewwhohasitall
Yes, technically that's quite true. I was simply saying that in normal conversation people don't refer to the Vatican as a country. In any case the actual title of the Pope is "Bishop of Rome" (not Bishop of the Vatican City) and his guards are from the Swiss army, so maybe #MedinatVatican is built of Swiss cheese and cuckoo clocks?
I don't know, and I'm more interested in cooking my supper. It is penne arrabiata. Have a great evening! 🙂
I'm catching up with origins of #MedinatAmerica and enjoying it immensely! 🙂 Now, is it correct to refer to #MedinatVatican as a 'country'? I doesn't sound right. Having lived in Rome working in the Catholic Church I never heard the Vatican referred to as a 'country'. In fact the Italian civil authorities have full control over it, so it's not really a country, is it. Not nitpicking, but just a thought. Where do I rewind to read origins of #MedinatAmerica ?
#medinatamerica #medinatvatican
I have spent some time in #MedinatVatican but never saw a marshmallow. I think its a #MedinatAmerica thing, but even dodgy US cardinals in Rome keep their weird marshmallow habits to themselves! 🙂
#medinatvatican #medinatamerica