Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
395 followers · 2395 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Read my ★★ review of Ian Fleming's "Moonraker," book #3 in my ongoing completist attempt to read all 14 of the original James Bond novels in the order they were published. goodreads.com/review/show/5797

#book #review #ianfleming #moonraker #jamesbond #spy #novel #thriller #franchise #okay #soso #mediocre

Last updated 1 year ago

Hambledown_Road · @hambledown_road
85 followers · 587 posts · Server mastodon.au

If you ever want to be financially sodomized, try replacing the cutlery basket for your dishwasher. The secondary market is in cahoots with the manufacturers - I'm sure of it. Your search for an economical replacement is such a fruitless exercise. You get beaten down and beaten by inadequate knock-offs until you're forced to drag yourself to the storefront of an "authorised re-seller" and you're forced fork out obsence coin for an "original" replacement.


#manrant #mediocre #masculinity

Last updated 1 year ago

Röck+Cöde · @RockNCode
3 followers · 12 posts · Server iosdev.space

My! Oh, my! ... What. Have. You. DONE!!!

It was all about . And the limitless possibilities it creates. And the walls it breaks. And we have one major takeaway tip for all the companies out there:

The age of apps is over. Either improve your to prepare them for future, or if you are building new apps, make sure they look amazing and deliver the experiences your users are worthy of.

Because we now live in the age of wonders.

#apple #visionos #mediocre #apps #spatial #computing

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Star wars 9, more marvel , +, Disney live action , mcu spiderman, inevitable of the x men, Disney cancelling , Disney , Disney the , Disney pumping out every couple weeks, Disney all , Disney making quality and passionate a thing of the past, Disney"


#movies #disney #remakes #mediocre #portrayal #marvel #shows #buying #everything #monopilizing #entertainment #industry #lifeless #cash #grabs #Destroying #competition #filmmaking

Last updated 1 year ago

KEXP 🎶 #NowPlaying Bot · @KEXPMusicBot
201 followers · 43151 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
355 followers · 1610 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Read my ★★★ review of Jack Donovan's "The Way of Men," the infamous 2012 "meninist" manifesto turned somewhat into a playbook for white alt-righters even though it's not really that. What is it, then? And should you read it? Click through for the complicated and interesting answer! goodreads.com/review/show/5486

#review #book #jackdonovan #thewayofmen #meninist #masculinity #altright #nonfiction #philosophy #soso #mediocre #unfair

Last updated 2 years ago

Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
3 followers · 2999 posts · Server room19.com
Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
3 followers · 3847 posts · Server room19.com
GEOPOL · @geopol
8 followers · 189 posts · Server universeodon.com

Démission de Marc Garneau

L'Anti-Francophone Marc Garneau quitte son poste à mi-mandat et provoque une partielle qui coûte ± $500 000 de nos taxes.

À titre de minus des Transport, il n'a pas su après 10 ans régler le dossier de la voie de contournement de Lac Mégantic !

À la dernière élection, pourquoi le PM a-t-il tenté de le tasser en l'apâtant avec le poste d'Ambassadeur Canadien à Paris ??

Bon Débarras !!!

#garneau #plc #lacmegantic #incompetent #francophobe #hasbeen #mediocre #securite #ferroviaire #gouvernement #trudeau

Last updated 2 years ago

dlundh · @dlundh
259 followers · 1198 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

Although I moved on to PS5 I realized I still need to hang on to my PS4+PSVR (1) because of, of all things, Blu-ray 3D. I have no way to watch 3D Blu-rays except for PSVR nowadays. Why couldn't Sony just give us that on PSVR2? There's surely no technical reason?

#mediocre #sony #PS5 #bluray #3d

Last updated 2 years ago

Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
2 followers · 3858 posts · Server room19.com
Andreas · @andreasm
13 followers · 76 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I was looking at earlier, and all I could see was one compromise after the other. Imagine! To be comfortable in this capitalist system, I have to spend my time - my life - furthering someone else's capitalist agenda, nationalistic ideals, or otherwise work to concentrate someone else's & resources. And the folks who say they do something different appear to all be lying - I suppose someone has to pay them too in the end, how else could they afford my cushy day ?

I suppose I could , or pay for opportunities and adopt someone else's way of viewing the world for a while. That'll make me feel better! Or I could start walking on someone's road to enlightenment and tell myself that, if these people say it's OK, then it must be. Even self-employed as a most , , , or - fuck it - , I help people reflect and for just a moment so that they can get the fuck back to . How else could they afford my hourly rate?

And now I'm getting old! I wish I could say that I'm looking forward to what the next generation will come up with, but then the world is ending so... So perhaps things are just shot to shit, is coming and I'm getting

Well, at least I a throughout my life. I fed the leeches at the top by giving them my , paying my , tossing my , and generally being and in of not ending up a , in , or worse! At least I wasn't (openly) , I kept my to my personal relationships and only implicitly supported the by insisting it's not there at all. I'm definitely a though, I was always terrified of my . And although it really made me feel better to people who were fatter, poorer or weaker than me, I only occasionally shared my true feelings with them. Oh, and not to mention the folks with smaller - haha! - and folks, or people, thank Thor and the Lord and the Lady that I'm dying before I can no longer feel to them!

But I wasn't bad. I did enjoy cheering for , and , go you! For a moment there, I felt like even I was doing something! (Although and the were more fun.) But mostly, I suppose, I mastered the art of shutting the up, silently enjoying my and my , and - oh, this I did really well - quickly inventing new for my pale & hairy ass in the elevator up to my 28th floor space. Change? How? I mean, it was just never the right time... And hey, my therapist and men's group think I'm alright!

OK, well, it is the time for me to now. Fuck , fuck , fuck , the and their lackeys the & , fuck my , and fuck all of my self-help and other educative and , and then fuck everyone else who I for my dreadfully , , and existence

If only I had cared a little less for my own and a little more for people around me, then maybe I would have become an . Alas, it's too late now, my ergonomically certified office chair has ground my into dust

Please send me straight to because, in all , it's what we all know I deserve

#jobs #power #Rate #volunteer #learning #spiritual #progressive #consultant #facilitator #coach #Therapist #white #shaman #entrepreneur #dream #work #competitive #ragnarok #old #served #purpose #time #taxes #Vote #busy #good #fear #bum #prison #racist #sexism #patriarchy #feminist #mom #judge #dicks #black #women #queer #superior #blm #XR #ufc #worldcup #fuck #safety #priviledge #excuses #hotdesking #die #heaven #whitejesus #politicians #rich #police #military #priest #preachers #gurus #blame #unfulfilling #unhelpful #disempowered #mediocre #comfort #Anarchist #balls #hell #honesty

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
324 followers · 1045 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Read my ★★ review of Ellis O. Day's "The Voyeur," book #5 of the seven (count 'em, seven) romance novels I'm reading in a row this month, in order to get a better handle on the genre so to help out the growing amount of freelance clients I have who write the same kinds of books. goodreads.com/review/show/5221

#book #2stars #erotica #sexclub #soso #obvious #badSexScenes #novel #review #ellisODay #theVoyeur #romance #mediocre

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
148 followers · 1290 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk


Not sure I care what Rees-Mogg says about anything in private - his public pronouncements are utter tripe or worse - an extreme example of the product that shaped the dreadful mess we are all suffering under

As for - the worst kind of panderer to the base instincts of who would applaud and his given half a chance

#mediocre #arrogant #publicschool #kipperTory #braverman #nativists #enochpowell #riversofblood

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
141 followers · 1172 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk


The entire pont about like the is they think smashing stuff up is a positive - of course they have no intention of taking any trouble over building replacements - may our gods spare us from product in the near future

#iconoclasts #kipperTories #mediocre #arrogant #publicschool

Last updated 2 years ago

AstackAwaX · @AstackAwaX
12 followers · 142 posts · Server mstdn.social

is one of the most classic bands of all-time. That first greatest hits album from way back is the only one you really need, if you really “need” an Aerosmith album.

#rawk #mediocre #aerosmith

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
139 followers · 1110 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk


The truly & -mogg is behind this - it is bound to be a mess that causes further harm to the UK

Another bit of evidence that we should not trust product to run a bath...... (I guess nanny does that for )

#incompetent #wicked #rees #mediocre #publicschool #Jacob

Last updated 2 years ago

KinoGhoul · @KinoGhoul
64 followers · 361 posts · Server toot.community
Derek Chai Media · @derekchai
54 followers · 536 posts · Server aus.social

Why do so many people settle for when they could do much better?

#mediocre #selfawareness

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael 🏳️‍🌈 · @lusotart
232 followers · 1250 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Why is it always Sunday night that you start overthinking or get slightly melancholic.

Is it because you’re facing another week of mediocre?

Start wondering about the past thinking if only I could go back with what I know now?

Sounds like I’m having an existential crisis. Need to watch something funny.

Normal service will be resumed.

#sundaydread #Melancholy #mediocre #overthinking #sunday

Last updated 2 years ago