The #medlar #tree is in #flower in my #Nottinghamshire #garden. The county is famed for its medlars. The late #queen’s medlar #jelly came from the here, I believe. Chaucer called the eye-catching fruit ‘open-arse’, but that treat is for late #autumn.
#autumn #jelly #queen #garden #nottinghamshire #flower #tree #medlar
Rain drops on young Medlar leaves.
#HomeOrchard #FruitTrees #Medlar
#HomeOrchard #fruittrees #medlar
I think it's high time terminally online #Millennials and #GenZ revived the #medlar's popularity.
It grows in winter, so a good sustainable crop. It's supposed to taste like apple sauce once #bletted, so yum (have yet to test this).
Also, eating 🍑 is in the zeitgeist rn, so a medlar would be a good prop for suggestive TikTok content.
As an elder Millennial, I propose a new epithet for it: the #goatse plum 😁
#millennials #genz #medlar #bletted #goatse
Made it to Ōtākaro Community Orchard the other day on a hot tip from @aimee that there was #quince growing there, and yussss, the tree branches were absolutely groaning under the weight of the fruit. Only a few came off easily though, so worth checking again this week.
And speaking of archaic fruits, there appears to be a #medlar tree growing there as well! 😮 Perhaps someone learned about them from Shakespeare and planted one near the #Avon as a lit-nerd joke 😂
One of the greatest things about Medlars are the innuendos…. Hahahaha
Miss Avaline began,
"What you see before you are some of the most unusual fruits on earth. Let me introduce you.
Few know the #Medlar. It's squishy & tastes like apple butter. #Quince has an apple fragrance, too.
This #Aronia or #Chokeberry reminds me of raspberries, the juice stains.
And this crazy-looking guy is #Durian. I'll slice it open & see if you notice a SHIFT in the #Aroma - from sweet to stringent & back again. It's a very pungent scent-shifter."
#vss365 #gardener #medlar #quince #aronia #chokeberry #Durian #aroma
Frosted Medlar, 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘶𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢, as a street tree in Comberton. Although frozen the few remaining fruits are well bletted so I know I mustn't pick them as they will turn to mush in my pocket.
#Medlar #StreetTrees #Cambridge
#medlar #streettrees #cambridge
f/w season.
#clementine #apple #medlar #persimmon #bruegel
#clementine #apple #medlar #persimmon #bruegel
There’s a #fruit that tastes best when it’s rotten!
The forgotten medlar! Rich in antioxidants, with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, packed with pectin and phenolic acid, minerals and much more.
Basically, it’s good for each and every part of the human body.
How have we forgotten about it?
#nutrition #health #medlar #foodhistory
#foodhistory #medlar #health #nutrition #fruit
Went to check on the medlars growing across the street. They’re not ready yet.
#unusualfruit #medlar #foodnotlawns
Anyone know what to do with #medlar fruit? #gardening #cooking
I was given a medlar tree and I had space in the garden for it but I have no idea what to do with the fruits. It was still flowering last week 🤷♀️
Luckily I got my hands on quite a few medlars. I have absolutly no experiences with this long forgotten fruit. Any recipe suggestions? ☺️
#medlar #forgottenrecipes #food #recipes #Mispeln #foodhistory #recipes
#foodhistory #mispeln #recipes #Food #forgottenrecipes #medlar