#Medscape was launched/announced 28 years ago today.
There are 3 courses in this CME series:
"A Fresh Look at Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management of a Multisystem Illness"
"Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Case-Based Learning Module"
"Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Test Your Strengths and Gaps in Knowledge"
#CME #cdc #medscape #MedMastodon #mecfs
The CDC has announced a new series of CME courses for ME/CFS:
"Expert Guidance on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"
"The activities in this series will help clinicians recognize the ME/CFS symptom spectrum, treat those patients, and use evidence-based approaches to help alleviate or eliminate symptoms or comorbid conditions."
(you may need a Medscape login, registration is free)
#CME #cdc #medscape #MedMastodon #mecfs
A few more quotes:
"… long COVID patients need to prioritize their own energy regardless of what they're being told by those who don't understand the illness."
Spouses need education on Long Covid because
"any kind of lack of awareness or understanding in a family member or close support could potentially isolate the person struggling with long COVID."
For resources on pacing check out this #MEaction website:
#meaction #covid #LongCovid #medscape #mecfs #pacing #StopRestPace
Medscape article:
COVID Isolated People. Long COVID Makes It Worse
"Because she lives alone and her closest relatives are an hour and a half away, Tyshynski is dependent on friends. But she's reluctant to lean on them because they already have trouble understanding how debilitating her lingering symptoms can be."
"I've had people pretty much insinuate that I'm lazy"
A sadly familiar story.
#covid #LongCovid #medscape #ohsu #mecfs
From Medscape:
Long COVID: Who's Working to Find Treatments?
"Dr Walter Koroshetz, director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, talks with Medscape contributing editor Maggie Fox (@maggiefox) about the goals of the clinical trials being sponsored by the National Institutes of Health."
Video with transcript.
#COVID #COVID19 #LongCovid #NIH #NINDS #Medscape #PatientLed #Research #Treatment
#covid #COVID19 #LongCovid #nih #ninds #medscape #patientled #research #Treatment
The CDC ME/CFS Stakeholder Engagement and Communication (MECFS - SEC) Conference Call was held today.
Here's a PDF with "Updates from CDC" ➡️ https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/pdfs/CDC-program-update-SEC-call-2022-Dec6-508.pdf
A few highlights:
* New ICD-10-CM codes for #MEcfs and #LongCovid
* New #CME (continuing medical education) courses offered by #Medscape
* WebMD survey published May 2022
* CDC work with the National Association of School Nurses
* Introduction of guest speaker Dr. David Systrom
#mecfs #LongCovid #CME #medscape #cdc #pwme #icd #MedMastodon
New CME from Medscape:
Do Fatigue and Exercise Intolerance Post-COVID-19 Indicate a Chronic Disease?
A new study demonstrates strong similarities between long COVID and myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.
#LongCovid #MEcfs #CME #MedEd #MedMastodon #Medscape #Education
#LongCovid #mecfs #CME #MedEd #MedMastodon #medscape #education
1. New Medscape continuing medical education course. Print supplement by Dr. Natelson titled “Update on the Clinical Evaluation and Care of Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”
Worth sharing with your medical provider.
#CME #mecfs #medscape #medicaleducation
Some news about #MEcfs from the CDC, copied from an #MEAction twitter thread (with a few modifications / additions)
The CDC updates its website, adds a new CME (Continuing Medical Education), presents a new "Voice of the Patient" story, and shares the next SEC call date. On the whole, it is a set of positive updates.
#mecfs #meaction #pwme #LongCovid #medscape #cdc