Webcomic maker wants to make a "point" about #antidepressants, engaging in #medshaming and #gaslighting of people with #mentalhealth issues.
Does not give a single fucking response.
Well @islieb, I already noticed you having a check on the #birdsite and unfollowed there, guess I'll have to do the same here...
#birdsite #mentalhealth #gaslighting #medshaming #antidepressants
@dynode Thank you. As of now, I'll block everyone who does #medshaming. I'm so, so fed up with all these smartypants who never ever helped me to survive just one. single. second. of my life.
Are you a psychiatrist? Is it only about SSRIs, not SNRIs (I take them),tricyclics, and MAO inhibitors? Why so?
Why are you so concerned about what medicines -other- people (not you) take?
Regardless, you should stick your #medshaming and subtle gaslighting "wisdom" where the sun don't shine.