還是難逃被消失的命運 ......
【港區國安法|「懲罰 #mee」案被告獲准保釋 應用程式下架「加載失敗」 用戶:唔捨得del app】
// 香港警方國安處近日先後拘捕飲食及購物積分獎賞平台「懲罰mee」5名成員,指控他們涉嫌違反港區國安法,各被捕人士周五(7日)獲准保釋候查。「懲罰mee」應用程式周五起亦無法使用。親中陣營則落井下石,政務司司長陳國基周五(7日)聲稱,「懲罰mee」平台停運屬「佢哋自己嘅決定」,行政會議成員湯家驊則「建議」市民移除相關程式,稱若保留程式「可能會引起執法人員懷疑」。
「懲罰mee」的應用程式周五起在蘋果及Google應用程式商店下架,無法再下載,至於已在手機上安裝程式的用戶,開啟程式後會先顯示「檢查版本中……」畫面,其後彈出「加載失敗,伺服器繁忙,重新加載!」對話框,用戶按下「確定」後程式便會自動結束,情況一如兩年前停運的「蘋果動新聞」程式。此外,「懲罰mee」於各社交平台的專頁亦全數結束,無法再閱覽。 //
Kotaku: Lord Of The Rings CCG Will Include Diversity And Originality https://kotaku.com/lord-of-the-rings-magic-the-gathering-card-game-wizards-1850485344 #gaming #tech #kotaku #middleearthwizards #thelordoftherings #lordoftherings #middleearth #jrrtolkien #literature #onering #wizards #fiction #sauron #wizard #magic #mee
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #middleearthwizards #TheLordOfTheRings #lordoftherings #middleearth #jrrtolkien #literature #onering #wizards #fiction #sauron #wizard #magic #mee
More than 20 enterprises from #Jiangsu’s Xuzhou City participated in the three trade fairs held in the #UAE from March 7 to 9, namely the Dubai WoodShow 2023, Middle East Electricity (#MEE), and #China Industrial Products #Exhibition.
#jiangsu #uae #mee #china #exhibition
OOSTWOUD - Dinsdag 7 maart zal in het Activiteiten Centrum ‘Woudrust’ in Oostwoud een verhalenkring gaan starten. De coördinator Baukje Visser nodigt u van harte uit om er aan deel te nemen want samen met 8 deelnemers gaat het vast een gezellige, ontspannen
Nu op Medemblik praat: 'Verhalenkring van Mee& de Wering- WonenPlus'
Lees verder op: https://medemblikpraat.nl/kalender/verhalenkring-van-mee-de-wering-wonenplus/
#dewering #medemblik #mee #oostwoud #verhalenkring #wonenplus
#wonenplus #verhalenkring #oostwoud #mee #medemblik #dewering
@parents4future @AuswaertigesAmt @rahmstorf
#some #years #ago :mastolove: :mastolove: :mastolove:
#was für eine #POWER - #wer hätte das #gedacht?!
#mee #for #symbolic #so #Coldplay #Gedacht #WER #power #was #love #ending #never #ago #years #some
A proposed #amendment that would introduce jail terms for #domestic abusers in #Egypt has been met with fierce backlash, with some lawmakers arguing it unfairly singles out men and undermines religious practices.
#domesticviolence #mee
#violenceconjugale #egypte #féminicide
#amendment #domestic #egypt #domesticviolence #mee #violenceconjugale #egypte #féminicide
'I dare the United States to engage with the legal scholarship, to engage with the evidence and say: "Oh, no, no, don't worry, there is no #apartheid".'
In an upcoming interview with MEE, the secretary-general of Amnesty International, Agnes Callamard, slams the #US’s condemnation of Amnesty over its report labelling #Israel an "apartheid" state
#apartheid #us #israel #palestine #mee #amnestyinternational
Pk la drogue c'est de la merde par la prohibition,
La que me como por todas vias,
Madera roja #benzoéthylecgonine
#bzd #OH #shcblam #ecgonine
My symbiote IV's 1 carat/jump, more dipomatic declared french stocks.
btw : FR +UK just owe me 5Tons, stlen in international waters…
#Erythroxylon o muerte
For the mast vajority of people. 4MM
All's in #geopardy, and we must act now #climateaction #frydaysforfuture
#benzoéthylecgonine #bzd #oh #shcblam #ecgonine #erythroxylon #FCKSNU #mee #geopardy #climateaction #frydaysforfuture #cocanoesdroga