Kotaku: PUBG Players Say They Fell Madly In Love Only To End Up In Jail https://kotaku.com/pubg-mobile-playerunknowns-battlegrounds-india-pakistan-1850614917 #gaming #tech #kotaku #internetcensorshipinindia #masculinegivennames #seemaghulamhaider #pubgbattlegrounds #sachinmeena #sudhirkumar #haider #films #meena
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #internetcensorshipinindia #masculinegivennames #seemaghulamhaider #pubgbattlegrounds #sachinmeena #sudhirkumar #haider #films #meena
This was in 2018.
"De Freitas and Shazeer were able to build a chatbot, which they called #Meena, that could argue about philosophy, speak casually about TV shows, and generate puns about horses and cows.
They believed that Meena could radically change the way people search online, their former colleagues told the Journal. "
Two #Google engineers built a #ChatGPT-like #AI #Chatbot years ago, but execs reportedly shut it down due to safety concerns | #GenerativeAI
#generativeAI #chatbot #ai #chatgpt #google #meena