This has to be parody right?
RT @Thejanebyrne
Move over Chicago, there’s a new interchange in town. 😎 #JBI #MidCenturyModern #Meets21stCentury #IDOT
#jbi #midcenturymodern #meets21stcentury #idot
get fucked
Move over Chicago, there’s a new interchange in town. 😎 #JBI #MidCenturyModern #Meets21stCentury #IDOT
#jbi #midcenturymodern #meets21stcentury #idot
There is a Twitter . Com account for a section of roads that used to be people's homes, tweeting about how awesome it is that there is less space for people in the city in which the road is located.
RT @Thejanebyrne
Move over Chicago, there’s a new interchange in town. 😎 #JBI #MidCenturyModern #Meets21stCentury #IDOT
#jbi #midcenturymodern #meets21stcentury #idot
The Jane Byrne Interchange lies squarely at the intersection of segregation and white flight — enabling the hollowing out of our city, the demolition of entire Black and working class communities, and killing our planet.
RT @Thejanebyrne
Move over Chicago, there’s a new interchange in town. 😎 #JBI #MidCenturyModern #Meets21stCentury #IDOT
#jbi #midcenturymodern #meets21stcentury #idot