Ember is either tasting me for quality purposes, or whispering secrets to me. Could be both. I am both delicious and confidential. #meetthemonsters #monsterofmastodon #herp
#meetthemonsters #monsterofmastodon #herp
@mayaisloading Pickle is a bearded dragon rescue who lives with Metabolic Bone Disorder from mistreatment by prior owners. He currently serves as Ambassador to Humankind of the Reptiloid Continuance. He is curious about everything Humans do, especially music and fire. #meetthemonsters
@mayaisloading Ensign Wesley Crusher was an accidental rescue. He's not so much a monster as a chaos goblin
Hey, Mastodon! Posts your resque fluff monster with #MeetTheMonsters and tag me. Please please please help he make this hashtag a real thing!
@mayaisloading I love it! We should definitely start #MeetTheMonsters & continue with #MyMonstersMooching & #MonsterMagic #MonstersOfMastodon
#rescuekittiesofmastodon #monstersofmastodon #monstermagic #mymonstersmooching #meetthemonsters
Can we make #MeetTheMonsters hashtag a real thing?
Here's a monster ball. I have one more as well.
P.S. I love your monsters