Well, that didn't take long. #MeetTheNewBoss #auspol https://www.afr.com/rear-window/alan-joyce-puts-albo-s-son-in-qantas-chairman-s-lounge-20230802-p5dtf3
As a rule, we get about one year from a new government when they are keen to open things up, knowing only the last lot have anything to hide. After that, they start covering themselves. Right on cue ... #auspol #MeetTheNewBoss https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jun/09/labors-new-grant-category-proposal-criticised-by-legal-experts-as-retrograde-step?CMP=share_btn_tw
Apropros absolutely nothing, and with jaw on floor, Keith Moon's swansong, dead three months later.
La priorità del nuovo governo è di incenerire tutti i paladini del reame.
#sameastheoldboss #meetthenewboss