Diamo un senso alle grandezze di archiviazione dei dati...
#Byte di dati: un chicco di riso
#Kilobyte: una tazza di riso
#Megabyte: 8 sacchi di riso
#Gigabyte: 3 camion container
#Terabyte: 2 navi container
#Petabyte: copre Manhattan
#Exabyte: copre il Regno Unito (3 volte)
#Zettabyte: riempie l'Oceano Pacifico
#byte #kilobyte #megabyte #gigabyte #terabyte #petabyte #exabyte #zettabyte
Diamo un senso alle grandezze di archiviazione dei dati...
#Byte di dati: un chicco di riso
#Kilobyte: una tazza di riso
#Megabyte: 8 sacchi di riso
#Gigabyte: 3 camion container
#Terabyte: 2 navi container
#Petabyte: copre Manhattan
#Exabyte: copre il Regno Unito (3 volte)
#Zettabyte: riempie l'Oceano Pacifico
#byte #kilobyte #megabyte #gigabyte #terabyte #petabyte #exabyte #zettabyte
for making Code Warriors. You've given me a system to play two of my most favorite series of all time: Reboot and Tron Uprising. :D #Reboot #tron #computers #megabyte #hexidecimal #TronWeekly
#reboot #tron #computers #megabyte #hexidecimal #tronweekly
#Twitter deleted my 3 #megabyte upscaled nodding #blobcat :meow_noddies: gif without informing me.
#Censorship at its finest.
Thank goodness I don't need to go there anymore
Cached@ #nitter
@ #birdsite
#ramlingsalcea #twitter #megabyte #blobcat #censorship #nitter #birdsite
#Twitter deleted my 3 #megabyte upscaled nodding #blobcat :meow_noddies: gif without informing me.
#Censorship at its finest.
Thank goodness I don't need to go there anymore
#ramlingsalcea #twitter #megabyte #blobcat #censorship
Whole lotta BS,
but worth it.
Reduced #load by ~3 #Megabyte
(Last time I used an iframe + external file #approache, but that is kinda #lame )
#load #megabyte #approache #lame
Referenced link: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-10-technique-enables-on-device-quarter-megabyte.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://techxplore.com/news/2022-10-technique-enables-on-device-quarter-megabyte.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/TechXplore_com/status/1577372748321538082#m
RT by @physorg_com: New technique enables on-device training using less than a quarter of a #megabyte of memory @MIT https://techxplore.com/news/2022-10-technique-enables-on-device-quarter-megabyte.html