Over the horizon (and over-the-top) of planned #megaconstellations:
18 : Total planned constellations
543811 : Total planned #satellites
5 : Total constellations with at least one launched sat
5152 : Total launched sats in all constellations
4304 : Total launched sats in constellation operational shells
Info from @planet4589 on page https://planet4589.org/space/con/conlist.html
#satellites #megaconstellations
“This is not just one company, but one person.. You are completely beholden to his whims and desires.”
#StarLink #satellites #megaconstellations
#megaconstellations #satellites #Starlink
@profcarroll I hate this with the fire of a million suns. #space #LEO #Starlink #megaconstellations
#megaconstellations #starlink #leo #space
"The issue of the protection of dark and quiet skies from large satellite constellation interference featured prominently at the 66th meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) which took place in Vienna in early June, although no consensus was reached."
#Satellites #Megaconstellations #Space #UnitedNations #COPUOS
#satellites #megaconstellations #space #unitednations #copuos
A reminder today, on #WorldEnvironmentDay, that half of "the #environment" exists forever at night, and that its limits extend beyond the Earth itself. Caring for it means thinking bigger.
📷's: @NASAEarth; @NOIRLabAstro
#worldenvironmentday #environment #lightpollution #ALAN #satellites #megaconstellations
"Astronomers are no strangers to innovation and creativity. This time of change in the night sky is a chance for the community to come together and innovate for the future."
'Satellite megaconstellations are threatening astronomy. What can be done?' by Space Insider columnist Leonard David
#DarkSkies #Megaconstellations #Satellites #Astronomy #Space
#darkskies #megaconstellations #satellites #astronomy #space
@luke Well, what can I say Luke? Sky may not look so bad now, but you haven't seen nothing yet. As an astronomer I can tell you that #megaconstellations will transform the night sky. This is based on current measured visibility and projected numbers. It's straight up math. So.. "Enjoy it while you can" is all I can say.
Oh, and megaconstellations are not the only internet-from-space solution. And customers like you are not whose going to make Starlink financially viable.
Here's a cool BBC program on "How #Satellites Rule Our World". First broadcast in 2012, so it gives an historical snapshot before the current revolution #megaconstellations. #Space
#Space #megaconstellations #satellites
✨🛰✨ StarLitter Update ✨🛰✨
It is now possible to install StarLitter as an app (via “Add to Home screen” or “Install app”).
#Astrophotography #Satellite #Starlink #SpaceX #OneWeb #ProjectKuiper #MegaConstellations #Astronomy #NASA
#NASA #Astronomy #megaconstellations #projectkuiper #oneweb #SpaceX #Starlink #satellite #astrophotography
Be sure to read this article by Fabio Falchi and collaborators recently out in Nature Astronomy: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-022-01864-z
#megaconstellations #lightpollution
Astronomers urged to fight 'tooth and nail' to protect dark skies
'If not stopped, this craziness will become worse and worse.'
"Now is the time to consider the prohibition of megaconstellations and to promote a significant reduction in [artificial light at night]," the authors say. "Our world definitely needs a 'new deal' for the night."
#megaconstellations #lightpollution #space
"Arguably, however, what is most egregious about the launch of #Starlink and other such #satellites is not what it causes but what it reveals. Hubris. Disenchantment. Shallowness. Lack of wonder at – and thus reverence for – nature in and for itself. Quite possibly, the attitudes that a
person must hold to countenance the launch of satellite #megaconstellations are attitudes that a person could not plausibly hold if one is an ecocentrist."
#starlink #satellites #megaconstellations
@JohnBarentine @astronomymag I created a tool to simulate the night sky with future #megaconstellations (just play with the settings and start the time exposure): https://starlitter.info
There's a nice article in
@astronomymag this month by my colleagues Meredith Rawls (Rubin Obs.) and Jeff Hall (Lowell Obs.) summarizing the current situation with #satellite #megaconstellations and #astronomy.
#satellite #megaconstellations #astronomy
@shamila @sundogplanets @planet4589 @sandorkruk
there are a million & one ways to kill a bird but naa, let's kill 'em more
#Space #Science #Megaconstellations #satellitesBlanketingTheEarth #OzoneLayer #cancer #eyedamage #futureailments #theNightSky #SpaceDebris #astronomy #pollution #health #fcc #us #china #uk #UNinternationalTelecommunicationUnion #UNouterSpaceTreaty
#space #science #megaconstellations #satellitesblanketingtheearth #ozonelayer #cancer #eyedamage #futureailments #thenightsky #spacedebris #astronomy #pollution #health #fcc #us #china #uk #uninternationaltelecommunicationunion #unouterspacetreaty
@markmccaughrean @NatureAstronomy @sandorkruk This webapp can be used to visualize the current #satellites and planned #megaconstellations:
#megaconstellations #satellites
> The Satellite Constellations 2 (SATCON2) workshop was held virtually 12–16 July 2021 to discuss how to implement the mitigation strategies that emerged from SATCON1 to minimize the negative impacts of satellite constellations on astronomy and the night sky.
#StarLink #MegaConstellations #SatelliteConstellations #SatCon
I started paying attention to orbiting light pollution thanks to Mastodon posts from #SamLawler @sundogplanets
#SamLawler #SatCon #satelliteconstellations #megaconstellations #starlink
Is there an #EdwardTufte #EnvisioningInformation for the #MegaConstellations of billionaire-controlled corporations? The dots representing #SpaceDebris are not to the scale of earth, the in 1990 there was concern for these 7,000 objects that were > or = to 10cm in diameter. To add representations for thousands of #StarLink satellites scaled to the "explosion fragments" and "fozen sewage" from the 80s, I guess we'll need translucent colors to still be able to see the earth's lines under junk.
#starlink #spacedebris #megaconstellations #EnvisioningInformation #EdwardTufte
✨🛰✨ StarLitter Update ✨🛰✨
All current satellite datasets have been updated.
#Astrophotography #Satellite #Starlink #SpaceX #OneWeb #ProjectKuiper #MegaConstellations #Astronomy #NASA
#NASA #Astronomy #megaconstellations #projectkuiper #oneweb #SpaceX #Starlink #satellite #astrophotography
Recent thread by @sundogplanets on the potential impact of #megaconstellations on our atmosphere: https://mastodon.social/@sundogplanets/109876033195836611
Her numbers are similar to those that I shared last summer in a Twitter thread using slightly different assumptions: