Bitdefender rilascia Decryptor gratuito per le vittime di MegaCortex
La società rumena di #antivirus #Bitdefender ha rilasciato un #decryptor gratuito per i file interessati dagli attacchi #ransomware #MegaCortex.
Ora tutti possono utilizzare il decryptor scaricandolo dal sito ufficiale. Per la prima volta, la famiglia di #ransomware MegaCortex è stata rilevata nel 2019 e l’#FBI ha avvertito degli attacchi #LockerGoga e MegaCortex al settore privato.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #lockergoga #fbi #megacortex #ransomware #decryptor #Bitdefender #antivirus
Gratis-Entschlüsselungstool für die Ransomware MegaCortex veröffentlicht | heise online #Malware #Ransomware #MegaCortex #Entschlüsselung #Entschlüsselungstool
#entschlusselungstool #entschlusselung #megacortex #ransomware #malware
Après la publication d’un premier déchiffreur du rançongiciel LockerGoga en septembre 2022, l’entreprise Bitdefender vient de dévoiler un second outil de déchiffrement, visant cette fois-ci le rançongiciel MegaCortex. Il a été conçu par les analystes de la firme de cybersécurité en collaboration avec Europol, le projet No More Ransom, le ministère public de Zurich et la police cantonale de Zurich.
#Rançongiciel #déchiffrement #MegaCortex #nomoreransom #Europol #BitDefender
#rancongiciel #dechiffrement #megacortex #nomoreransom #europol #bitdefender
Gratis-Entschlüsselungstool für die #Ransomware #MegaCortex veröffentlicht | heise online #Malware #CyberCrime #decrypt
#decrypt #cybercrime #malware #megacortex #ransomware
ICYMI Bitdefender today released a decryptor tool for MegaCortex #ransomware.
Check out our writes ups to learn more about #MegaCortex:
Sitzt du noch auf verschlüsselten Daten der #Ransomware #MegaCortex? Gute Nachrichten: Du kommst ohne Lösegeldzahlung wieder an Deine Daten!
Gratis-Entschlüsselungstool für die Ransomware MegaCortex veröffentlicht
Opfer des Erpressungstrojaners MegaCortex können mithilfe eines Tools, ohne Lösegeld zu zahlen, wieder auf ihre Daten zugreifen.
#Entschlüsselungstool #LockerGoga #MegaCortex #Ransomware #Security
#entschlusselungstool #lockergoga #megacortex #ransomware #security
#Bitdefender released a free #decryptor for the #MegaCortex #ransomware
#securityaffairs #hacking #malware
#bitdefender #decryptor #megacortex #ransomware #securityaffairs #hacking #malware
#Bitdefender releases free #MegaCortex #ransomware decryptor from combined work of Bitdefender and experts from #Europol, #NoMoreRansom, and Zürich Public and Cantonal Police; it was likely created with master keys found by the Zurich authorities.
#bitdefender #megacortex #ransomware #Europol #nomoreransom
📬 Ransomware-Angriffe auf kritische Infrastruktur: 12 Personen festgenommen #Hacking #Dharma #europol #LockerGoga #MegaCortex #NorskHydro #RansomwareAngriffe #Trickbot
#trickbot #RansomwareAngriffe #norskhydro #megacortex #lockergoga #europol #dharma #hacking
#lemondeinformatique #malwares "Le ransomware Ekans se propage dans les systèmes industriels" #Ekans #Snake #MegaCortex #RSSI #SCADA #ransomware #CyberSécurité #CyberAttaque ...
#lemondeinformatique #malwares #ekans #snake #megacortex #rssi #scada #ransomware #cybersécurité #cyberattaque
The ever evolving nature of online crime. This new version of #Megacortex ransomware has a few very scary new tricks up his sleeve. It changes the windows password and threatens to publish the victim's data.
#Infosec #ransomware
#megacortex #infosec #ransomware
Nuova minaccia ransomware, prende il nome di MegaCortex si ispira a Matrix. #cybersecurity #megacortex