Which one is #GregGillespie s best MEGADUNGEON?
#greggillespie #ttrpg #osr #megadungeon #dnd #dungeon23 #swordsandwizardry
Bueno, he medio hecho una habitación del #megadungeon para no acumular deuda... ahora a leer un poco de PF2!
Voy atrasado 3 días con el #megadungeon y ahora empieza a darme pereza tener que dibujar 4 habitaciones. Pero si lo dejo por hoy... tendré que dibujar mañana 5...
#megadungeon #DnD #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpgfamily
#Dungeon23 day 9. Implemented a smithy. There may be a puzzle involved. #interactiveFiction #TADS3 #megadungeon
#megadungeon #tads3 #interactivefiction #dungeon23
Today is the last day of 2022. That means tomorrow, I start #dungeon23. I've only done maybe 20 minutes of prep work, as I believe the spirit of the challenge is to only do the real work during 2023.
The premise of my dungeon is a not-so-ancient city mysteriously got buried by the dunes. The main entrance in the top level is actually a room in one of the surviving tall buildings. The setting is inspired by Bronze Age Mesopotamia.
#dungeon23 #ttrpg #megadungeon
Ok. #Dungeon23 here I come.
Problem 1: I'm easily exciteable but have problems pushing through.
Problem 2: I'm not in a good headspace right now so let's see where this is going.
Idea 1: Using the Hopepunk RPG "Life beyond Exo Station" powered by #ChargeRPG invented by @RPDeshaies to build a Metroid-like tunnelsystem in a Planetoid beyond Exo Station.
Idea 2: Doing 1 Section per 3 months, 1-2 room(s) per week culminating in a #MegaDungeon to explore.
Now I need to read up and be inspired.
#dungeon23 #chargerpg #megadungeon
@e_eric I'm with you on the point of knowing I won't write a room every day of 365 days. But here's the thing I'd be worried about the most: will it ever see play?
While I love the megadungeon trope (every DM should create their own), I feel that having it grow and sprawl through player interaction is an important part of it.
I wonder if some kind of play by post mechanic could help to play the thing as it's created ...
Currently, I'm working on putting together a megadungeon campaign using some metroidvania tropes. The project's been a blast so far, and I might post some stuff from it here in the future.
A major inspiration for the whole project was the Angry GM's Megadungeon Monday. Are there any other fans of the series out there? Has anyone tried to build a dungeon using similar techniques?
#ttrpg #project #dnd #angrygm #megadungeon
#showerthought : what if the map of our current campaign was just one level of an enormous #megadungeon ...