Brian Lavelle · @brianlavelle
565 followers · 482 posts · Server

Le menhir de la Thiemblais just outside the town of St-Samson-sur-Rance in Ille-et-Villaine in Brittany. It has relief carvings all over it, although they’re quite difficult to see except in certain lights. In my fourth picture, you can just make out a carving of a looped cross. It’s a very impressive stone weighing around 150 tonnes and at around 8 metres in length—despite the 45 degree angle!

#megalithicbrittany #archaeology #prehistoric #neolithic #standingstone #menhir #standingstonesunday

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Lavelle · @brianlavelle
557 followers · 473 posts · Server

La Maison des Feins—or Maison des Fées—nestled in the forêt du Mesnil outside the town of Tressé in the département of Ille-et-Vilaine in Brittany. It's an allée couverte or passage grave, and remarkably well preserved. Later legend says it was (or is…) a house of the fairies, which makes it a rather eerie place to be.

I probably shouldn’t mention the woman walking two weasels in the woods…

#standingstones #megalithicbrittany #archaeology #prehistoric #neolithic #passagegrave #alleecouverte

Last updated 1 year ago