Tomomi · @anjuvel
23 followers · 33 posts · Server

@muchanchoasado Ay cielo, pensé que respondí a todo. Estoy súper empanada. Siii, me gustan varios, tiro más por lo que cuenta la . Por ejemplo, de me gusta porque recuerda a un me gusta porque se transforma en Pokémon y le gusta jugar porque creo que se basa en un . No me acuerdo bien. porque de pequeña me regalaron un y porque el concepto que tiene de de y me flipa.

#pokedex #pokemon #gardevoir #angel #mew #meganium #plesiosaurio #bulbasur #peluche #meloetta #musa #canto #danza

Last updated 1 year ago

Whimsicott :whimsicott: · @whimsicott
232 followers · 3600 posts · Server
Duth Olec · @DuthOlec
33 followers · 3963 posts · Server

CHARACTER 1: So you're saying your plants just died?
CHARACTER 2: I don't understand it. They say talking to your planets make them healthier, so I was telling them about how I arranged my sock drawer and they collapsed!
CHARACTER 1: Oof. We're going to have to bring in a professional for this one.
*MEGANIUM enters, breaths on plants, they all come back to life immediately*
- #154

#meganium #odemon

Last updated 6 years ago

Muse · @confusedmuse
54 followers · 282 posts · Server

So how about that Pokemon Go community day?

#pokemon #meganium #dittonut

Last updated 7 years ago

Muse · @confusedmuse
53 followers · 344 posts · Server

So how about that Pokemon Go community day?

#pokemon #meganium #dittonut

Last updated 7 years ago