TheOnion: Rapinoe: ‘It Was The Honor Of A Lifetime To Compete On The Behalf Of All The Fucking Morons In My Country’ #entertainmentculture #humaninterest #meganrapinoe #lawcrime #rapinoe
#entertainmentculture #humaninterest #meganrapinoe #lawcrime #rapinoe
Autostraddle: Seattle Storm Send Megan Rapinoe Into Retirement With a Jersey to Match Sue Bird’s #Dykes #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Podcast #meganrapinoe #Sports #uswnt #wnba
#dykes #lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #podcast #meganrapinoe #sports #USWNT #wnba
@woz Danke für den Artikel 🙏🏽
Es heißt immer „… Hass in den sozialen Medien“. Nein: hier auf Mastodon habe ich nichts dergleichen mitbekommen und würde es auch nicht erwarten. Es sind hassfördernde Plattformen wie X, die dies zumindest nicht verhindern.
Chapeau an #MeganRapinoe für alles 🎩👩🏻🎤⚽️ auf und neben dem Platz 👏👏
#meganrapinoe #WM2023 #WWC2023 #mastodon
Verschossener Penalty hin- oder her: Wieso US-Starfussballerin Megan Rapinoe jede Menge Hass abbekommt.
Von @Sueesssi
#FussballWM #meganrapinoe #fifawwc
TheOnion: America’s Foreign Policy Forces USA Women’s World Cup Team To Intervene In Japan-Sweden Match #petergerhardsson #meganrapinoe #twilakilgore #gerhardsson #alexmorgan #julieertz #politics #sports #kelley #biden
#petergerhardsson #meganrapinoe #twilakilgore #gerhardsson #alexmorgan #julieertz #politics #sports #kelley #biden
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Republicans Celebrate U.S. Women's Soccer Team's Loss: ‘Woke Equals Failure’ #Jezebel #unitedstateswomensnationalsoccerteam #unitedstatessoccerfederation #worldcuptournament #vlatkoandonovski #meganrapinoe #donaldtrump #sophiasmith #naomigirma #joebiden #worldcup #rapinoe #soccer #sports #kelley #morgan #rodman #tjmoe
#jezebel #unitedstateswomensnationalsoccerteam #unitedstatessoccerfederation #worldcuptournament #vlatkoandonovski #meganrapinoe #donaldtrump #sophiasmith #naomigirma #joebiden #worldcup #rapinoe #soccer #sports #kelley #morgan #rodman #tjmoe
#Trump gloats about USA’s Women’s World Cup elimination
Ex-president’s open criticism of team started in 2019, when #MeganRapinoe said she wouldn’t visit White House after winning
“Many of our players were openly hostile to America — no other country behaved in such a manner, or even close,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot, Megan, the U.S. is going to Hell!!! MAGA.”
"What a hateful little man"
just sayin
Pink News: Bitter right-wing bigots take aim at Megan Rapinoe after US crashes out of Women’s World Cup #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Women'sWorldCup #MeganRapinoe #DonaldTrump #Sport #News #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #women #meganrapinoe #donaldtrump #sport #news #us
“‘For a lot of Black athletes, it has cost them very dearly, sometimes their entire careers,’ while #MeganRapinoe ‘has largely lost nothing and even gained from her activism.’”
Yes, and. “Tell them that #MeganRapinoe is her generation’s #MuhammadAli.”
⚽ #FIFAWWC #WWC2023 #MastodonFC #Soccer @wwc @uswnt
Via Steph Yang | Horrible Soccer Goose @thrace
#MeganRapinoe postgame: "There's some dark humor, me missing a fucking penalty at the end of this game.... I was like Jesus Christ, skying it?"
Clearly still processing it all, but had encouraging words for her teammates: "The kids are taking over." #USWNT
#fifawwc #wwc2023 #mastodonfc #soccer #meganrapinoe #USWNT
“It was the first time she had ever missed the goal entirely with a penalty in her 23 career attempts.” #MeganRapinoe #USWNT #WWC2023
Olen tavattoman iloinen rakkaan naapurin, #Ruotsi n puolesta, mutta samalla harmissani, en niinkään #USA:n, vaan #MeganRapinoe n puolesta.
Tähän nimittäin päättyi hänen uransa.
#ruotsi #usa #meganrapinoe #futis #jalkapallo #sweusa #fifawwc #rapinoe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Why Are ACL Tears Benching Way More Women Soccer Players Than Men? #Jezebel #anteriorcruciateligamentinjury #anteriorcruciateligament #the2020summerolympics #delphinecascarino #antoinettekatoto #catarinamacario #viviannemiedema #sportsinjuries #martinhagglund #kneeligaments #janinebeckie #meganrapinoe #theworldcup #jesscarter #keirawalsh #katierood #worldcup #uswomen
#jezebel #anteriorcruciateligamentinjury #anteriorcruciateligament #the2020summerolympics #delphinecascarino #antoinettekatoto #catarinamacario #viviannemiedema #sportsinjuries #martinhagglund #kneeligaments #janinebeckie #meganrapinoe #theworldcup #jesscarter #keirawalsh #katierood #worldcup #uswomen
#InêsPereira segura vai agarrando a bola, #MeganRapinoe falha um remate. Vamos #Portugal!
#porusa #wwc2023 #inespereira #meganrapinoe #portugal
Os #EUA estiveram a centímetros de serem excluídos do Mundial e #Portugal à mesma distância de continuar.
Ataque dos EUA e #AlexMorgan não consegue rematar a passe de #MeganRapinoe. Pontapé de baliza para #InêsPereira.
#eua #portugal #AlexMorgan #meganrapinoe #inespereira #porusa #wwc2023
Ataque dos #EUA acaba em recuperação de #Portugal. Insistência das norte-americanas e #AnaBorges leva #MeganRapinoe no bolso. A viagem de avião de volta ao território nacional, quando for, vai ser complicada pelo peso das malas.
#eua #portugal #anaborges #meganrapinoe #porusa #wwc2023
#Portugal tenta atacar por #AndreiaJacinto e #TelmaEncarnação, mas a bola perde-se para #MeganRapinoe.
Substituições em #Portugal, entram #JoanaMarchão para o lugar de #CatarinaAmado, entra #AnaCapeta para o lugar de #DianaSilva aos 90 minutos.
#portugal #andreiajacinto #telmaencarnacao #meganrapinoe #joanamarchao #catarinaamado #anacapeta #dianasilva #porusa #wwc2023
Cartão amarelo para #NaomiGirma. Livre batido, a bola é centrada depois para a área norte-americana e a dois tempos a guarda-redes #AlyssaNaeher defende. No ataque, #MeganRapinoe passa para o lado direito da defesa e #AnaBorges corta, imperial.
Saem #LindseyHoran e #LynnWilliams e entram #TrinityRodman e #EmilySonett.
#naomigirma #alyssanaeher #meganrapinoe #anaborges #lindseyhoran #lynnwilliams #trinityrodman #emilysonett