Global News BC: ‘Highlight of their day’: Megasaurus appearance delights bored BC Ferries passengers #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #megasaurusmonstertruckBC #megasaurusmonstertruck #FireBreathingDinosaur #Megasaurusappearance #BCFerriesMegasaurus #StraightUpRacing #bcferriesdelays #Entertainment #megasaurusrex #Megasaurus #BCFerries
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #megasaurusmonstertruckbc #megasaurusmonstertruck #firebreathingdinosaur #megasaurusappearance #bcferriesmegasaurus #straightupracing #bcferriesdelays #entertainment #megasaurusrex #megasaurus #BCFerries
Damien's super awesome snap (from a #HotWheelsGlowParty) got me curious, so here's some fun facts about #MEGASAURUS:
-each claw, and its jaw has a crushing/biting force of 15,000 lbs
-its chassis is a Sherman tank
-it weighs 46,000 lbs
-stands 35 feet tall
-can breath fire via a flame thrower in its mouth
#megasaurus #hotwheelsglowparty