Mondializzazione e somma dei problemi economici in policrisi.Sentiremo parlare di “policrisi”. Il termine va molto di moda per descrivere la situazione economica e politica mondiale, ma sta anche creando scetticismo.
#AdamTooze #crisiclimatica #crisiglobali #economiamondiale #Fmi #guerra #Inflazione #lockdown #megathreats #neoliberismo #pandemia #policrisi #politicamondiale #politicheeconomiche
#AdamTooze #crisiclimatica #crisiglobali #economiamondiale #fmi #guerra #inflazione #lockdown #megathreats #neoliberismo #pandemia #policrisi #politicamondiale #politicheeconomiche
It has occurred to me that the things that interest me this month are mostly alarming. #Megathreats or #polycrisis?
"We are therefore facing not only the worst of the 1970s (repeated negative aggregate supply shocks), but also the worst of the 2007-08 period (dangerously high debt ratios) and the worst of the 1930s. A new “geopolitical depression” is increasing the likelihood of cold and hot wars that could all too easily overlap and spin out of control." #NourielRoubini #megathreats #polycrisis via @TheGuardian
#nourielroubini #megathreats #Polycrisis
Nothing like a little negative perspective leavened by doomcasting. #economy #climatechange #global #megathreats #pandemic #globalization #cyberwar #ai #geopolitics
#economy #climatechange #global #megathreats #pandemic #globalization #Cyberwar #ai #geopolitics