Hey, I'm Prophyt, a big computer nerd from the UK. By day, I work as a software developer (mostly in #CSharp, #TypeScript and #React). By night, I'm usually coding my own projects and wondering where all the time goes.
I enjoy #RetroComputing and #RetroGaming, especially the #ZXSpectrum and #MSDOS eras. #GameDev interests me; I used to dabble in #GameMaker, #MegaZeux and #ZZT but these days I'm trying to learn #UnityEngine.
Hoping to meet some interesting people on here! 👋
#introduction #csharp #typescript #react #retrocomputing #retrogaming #zxspectrum #msdos #gamedev #gamemaker #megazeux #zzt #unityengine
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to remind you all that MegaZeux's 25th Anniversary Event is still ongoing and ends on the 31st! Release your game, engine, or demo today and celebrate the engine that gave many people their first taste of game development way back in '94! #homebrew #gamedev #megazeux