@clownheart Wow, such wonderful authors. I bet you’d like #MegElison
My favorite of hers is #TheBookOfTheUnnamedMidwife , although she has been very active in the recent years.
#megelison #thebookoftheunnamedmidwife
There were a lot of amazing guests on the JoCo Cruise this year, and I got to take some pictures! 📷
Album includes @nnedi @scalzi #AabriaIyengar #BrennanLeeMulligan #DanteBasco #IfyNwadiwe #ErikaIshii #JoshGondelman #MarcEvanJackson #MegElison #TeresaMcElroy #TravisMcElroy #WilWheaton
See the whole album at https://sharpletters.net/2023/04/13/joco2023-various-guests/
#aabriaiyengar #brennanleemulligan #dantebasco #ifynwadiwe #erikaishii #joshgondelman #marcevanjackson #megelison #teresamcelroy #travismcelroy #wilwheaton #jococruise #photography
Story Hour celebrated three years of stories with readings from Meg Elison and Nisi Shawl! You can still watch the stories, and heck—treat yourself to a slice of anniversary cake. Whenever you watch, it's still Story Hour. #StoryHour #StoryHour2020 #AuthorReading #ShortStories #MegElison #NisiShawl https://www.facebook.com/100039975042631/videos/1506162643248634
#StoryHour #StoryHour2020 #authorreading #shortstories #megelison #nisishawl
This week, celebrate Story Hour's third anniversary with readings from Meg Elison and Nisi Shawl! Join us Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. PST for untold wonders! #StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #ShortStories #AuthorReading #MegElison #NisiShawl https://www.storyhour2020.com/
#StoryHour2020 #StoryHour #shortstories #authorreading #megelison #nisishawl