Gestern, hat die Kombination von Wetter, Essen und das eine oder zu erledigen meinen Magen ziemlich durchgeschüttelt. 🤢
Mal sehen wie es Heute wird, jedenfalls ist schon nach dem ersten Kaffee Schluss.
Megfejthették a neandervölgyiek virágos temetésének titkát A rejtély kulcsai a bányászméhek. #neandervölgyiősember #neandervölgyiek #régészet #tudomány #temetés #virág #méhek #méh
#neandervolgyiosember #neandervolgyiek #regeszet #tudomany #temetes #virag #mehek #meh
McConnell's latest firmware update appears to have some bugs. He's now had to reboot twice.
Honestly, I could've told them that building a turtle-robot-man was a poor design choice but they never asked.
Should I have my sympathy for him? Fuck no. He's a lying piece of crap that gives zero fucks about this country. He's subverted standing processes to place Supreme Court judges AND those decisions have taken rights from women across the US. Fuck him.
HOLY CRAP i'm in a shitty mood. A whole bunch of things just running me over today. Mostly not people, just "I don't have the spoons to deal with how broken people and the world is" stuff.
These are the days I want to run away to the mountains, or get on a boat and just sail in one direction until I fall off the edge of the world.
Accidentally hit reply all and hit send before I noticed.
I should just go home now…:
Puzzle #71
I just had a baked potato with toppings from Wendy’s a little while ago.
I added some #CannaButter
(*^ڡ^*) ʸᵉᵃʰ
#weed #cannabis #CannaBliss #natural #medicine #edible #chill
#chill #edible #medicine #natural #cannabliss #cannabis #weed #cannabutter #meh
I'm requesting to follow you because "meh" is my life philosophy .
Follow me back.
Or not.
I don't care .
Vandaag boodschappen doen en 25 ballen moeten betalen voor een nieuw batterijtje in mijn horloge! #mèh
Tot mijn grote consternatie ook vernomen dat de thuiszorgwinkel, waar ik mijn rollator kocht per 24-8 naar de linie gaat verhuizen. Leuk als je rollator het begeeft..! #mèh
Wél leuk dat de Dönertent weer terugkomt naast de Happy Sranang.
Went swimming today and it absolutely wrecked my shit.
Partner's Tumblr finally got the ban and now I don't really wanna be on there anymore but IDK how to rope him into an online space that I can curate solely for his pleasure so meh.
Today was so busy and I'm finally away from all the commotion and now I don't want to sleep so I'm just here in limbo...
I find #SlashDot to be a very #meh website. Every time I end up there, they remind me they require me to enable #JavaScript
#ThankGoodness they’re kind enough to remind me why I don’t share anything from them
I get my info elsewhere, & share that which will give the information we need without the invasion of #privacy or #security that comes with JS
Websites tell us so much info- including whether or not we need them
Thanks, SlashDot. Your #irrelevance is of your own making :gnomeHey:
#irrelevance #security #privacy #thankgoodness #javascript #meh #slashdot
I feel strongly that we should have a new telly rule restricting series to 2 and done. I have literally no interest left in The Witcher and how the swords and magic 'epic' finishes up. Saying that I wasn't much fussed about the game either.