Tonight, after #RightWinger #CharlieKirk declared that it was the " #BidenRegime " that sentenced #EnriqueTarrio to 22 years in prison, #MSNBC's #MehdiHasan quipped:
«“Biden Regime” lol? The *judge* who sentenced Tarrio is #TimothyJKelly, a #Trump appointee, former counsel to #ChuckGrassley, and member of the #FederalistSociety. »
#rightwinger #charliekirk #bidenregime #enriquetarrio #msnbc #mehdihasan #timothyjkelly #trump #chuckgrassley #federalistsociety
“Do you know how it feels to have the President of the United States to target you?!”
#msnbc #mehdihasan #mehdihasanshow
No. #MehdiHasan is completely wrong, and his attack on Biden is disgusting.
There is zero chance of Congress expanding the Supreme Court, because the GOP controls the House, and because the Dems don't have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.
If Congress ever did pass a bill expanding SCOTUS, of course Biden would sign it. But there's no reason to hurt the Democrats' cause by promising to do something impossible.
This is an example of why #MehdiHasan and #MSNBC are no friends of democracy, and why we should all be wary of amplifying them. I wish The Holler hadn't done so here.
The president cannot expand SCOTUS. He doesn't have that power. Attacking Biden for failing to do things that cannot be done is an extremely destructive tactic that is used frequently by the Pro-Republican Left.
#unpackthecourt #uspol #msnbc #mehdihasan
Forget Hunter, what about Ivanka & Jared!?!?
Excellent report from #MehdiHasan on the #grift that is the #trumpcrimefamily
#mehdihasan #grift #trumpcrimefamily
#MehdiHasan Shows What A Big Phony #RonDeSantis Is When It Comes To #Jesus
The #MSNBC host said Jesus was far too "woke" for Ron DeSantis.
#mehdihasan #rondesantis #jesus #msnbc
Oh, #MehdiHasan, Marianne Williamson? You're interviewing Marianne Williamson? Really? Why???
@nus Yup, I had been using that for so long now that I have forgotten what people like #BenMiselas, #GlennKirschner, #MehdiHasan and #AriMelber sound like at half-speed. I can usually manage all of those at 2x until a guest comes on or they show a clip.
It'd be nice if #PlaybackSpeed had shortcut keys though.
#playbackspeed #arimelber #mehdihasan #GlennKirschner #benmiselas
A fantastic and lightly amusing report on #PuddingFingers from #MSNBC / #MehdiHasan
#warcrimes #Politics #Florida #rondesantis #meatballron #mehdihasan #msnbc #puddingfingers
#MehdiHasan needs to be given a prime-time slot on #CNN or #MSNBC as soon as possible.
He is one of the smartest political voices on air today
In MSNBC anchor #MehdiHasan’s new book ‘Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking,’ he reveals his tricks of the trade for the first time. #Arguments #Arguing #Debate #Debating #Negotiating #Leadership #Management #Skills #Advice
#mehdihasan #arguments #arguing #debate #debating #negotiating #leadership #management #skills #advice
Full Video - #MehdiHasan eviscerates #MattTaibbi in debate on the 'Twitter Files' and #ElonMusk. #Elon #MSNBC #Twitter
#Twitter #msnbc #elon #ElonMusk #matttaibbi #mehdihasan
Matt Tabbi #TwitterFiles pulled apart by #MehdiHasan
I don’t typically watch MSNBC. No slight against them, just was not my main news channel. But I’m loving #mehdihasan
The interview with Matt Taibbi… Mehdi point by point breaks down the major argument of Taibbi’s work in the “Twitter Files”, showing the over-reaches and blatant falsehoods in his work. Mehdi should have interviewed MTG rather than Leslie Stahl. Of course there is no way that MTG would have the guts to debate him! He would decimate her!
Watching #MattTaibbi flame out and now leave twitter (and #ElonMusk unfollowing him on twitter) is giving me an overdose of #schadenfreude. If #MehdiHasan retired tomorrow, he would have a place of honor in Poasting Valhalla.
#matttaibbi #elonmusk #schadenfreude #mehdihasan
And a rundown of the #MehdiHasan #MattTaibbi interview here and how the #TwitterFiles errors and deliberate obfuscations (he didn’t need to mention the offending tweets were nude photos!) undermine the entire narrative.
“Taibbi isn’t just sloppy with facts, which is problematic enough. He leaves out the very important context that highlights how the big conspiracy he’s reporting is… not big, not a conspiracy, and not even remotely problematic.” @mmasnick
#twitterfiles #matttaibbi #mehdihasan
Watch washed up journalist, corporate ass kisser and right wing apologist Matt Taibbi crumble under fact checking by Mehdi Hasan
#news #politics #uspolitics #matttaibbi #mehdihasan #twitterfiles #elonmusk
#news #politics #uspolitics #matttaibbi #mehdihasan #twitterfiles #elonmusk
Mehdi Hasan roasts Matt Taibbi in an interview for his shameful “reporting” as part of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” disinfo campaign.
#MehdiHasan #MattTaibbi #ElonMusk #TwitterFiles #DisinfoCampaign
#mehdihasan #matttaibbi #elonmusk #twitterfiles #disinfocampaign
#MehdiHasan interviewed #TwitterFiles purveyor #MattTaibbi for his show and brought up quite a few mistakes in his little project. I believe it was @mmasnick who brought the CISA / CIS one to my attention, but 3000 vs. 22,000,000 tweets is quite the glaring error. Here is a clip from tonight’s interview
#matttaibbi #twitterfiles #mehdihasan
Watch The 11th Hour Highlights: March 22 - Invidious
#fearisnotfreedom #bookBans #schools #election2024 #mehdihasan