Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Republicans Think Re-Branding ‘Pro-Life’ Can Fix the Toxicity of Abortion Bans #Jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #unitedstatesantiabortionmovement #republicanismintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #abortionrightsmovements #religionandabortion #christinareynolds #sexualrevolution #republicanparty #mehmetoz
#jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #antiabortionmovementintheunitedstates #unitedstatesantiabortionmovement #republicanismintheunitedstates #abortionintheunitedstates #abortionrightsmovements #religionandabortion #christinareynolds #sexualrevolution #republicanparty #mehmetoz
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ohio Conservatives, Afraid of Losing Abortion Referendum, Try to Make It About Trans Panic #Jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #abortionintheunitedstates #abortionrightsmovements #lawoftheunitedstates #sexualrevolution #herschelwalker #jonathanentin #socialissues #abortion #mehmetoz #politics #roevwade #wade #roe #nbc
#jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #abortionintheunitedstates #abortionrightsmovements #lawoftheunitedstates #sexualrevolution #herschelwalker #jonathanentin #socialissues #abortion #mehmetoz #politics #roevwade #wade #roe #nbc
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: John Fetterman Opens Up About 'Downward Spiral' of Depression After Winning Senate Race #Jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #pennsylvaniademocraticparty #televisionintheunitedstates #giselebarretofetterman #johnfetterman #giselebarreto #pennsylvania #janepauley #walterreed #fetterman #mehmetoz
#jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #pennsylvaniademocraticparty #televisionintheunitedstates #giselebarretofetterman #johnfetterman #giselebarreto #pennsylvania #janepauley #walterreed #fetterman #mehmetoz
Near-fatal stroke. Clinical depression. And I’d still vote for #JohnFetterman over #MehmetOz evry day of the week (and twice on Tuesdays). Get well soon. #stroke #clinicaldepression #ussenate
#johnfetterman #mehmetoz #stroke #clinicaldepression #ussenate
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sen. John Fetterman Has Checked Himself Into a Hospital for Clinical Depression #Jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #majordepressivedisorder #medicalspecialties #recoveryapproach #strokerecovery #johnfetterman #adamjentleson #brianpmonahan #mentalhealth #fetterman #samstein #articles #mehmetoz #gisele #health #walter #benray #reed
#jezebel #health2cmedical2cpharma #majordepressivedisorder #medicalspecialties #recoveryapproach #strokerecovery #johnfetterman #adamjentleson #brianpmonahan #mentalhealth #fetterman #samstein #articles #mehmetoz #gisele #health #walter #benray #reed
As a #physician, #MehmetOz's derision of his opponents health lacks empathy and respect. Shame on him. "The GOP Is Just Obnoxious" utm_source=feed #GOP #TheLowestOfTheLow #PunyMany #uspoli
#physician #mehmetoz #gop #thelowestofthelow #punymany #uspoli
As a #physician, #MehmetOz's derision of his opponents health lacks empathy and respect. Shame on him. "The GOP Is Just Obnoxious" utm_source=feed #GOP #TheLowestOfTheLow #PunyMany #uspoli
#physician #mehmetoz #gop #thelowestofthelow #punymany #uspoli
So weird that the exact opposite of "go woke, go broke" keeps happening. Makes you think.
#DrOz #MehmetOz
Worked hard to nix the #MehmetOz candidacy. Here is something I wrote and published in July 2022.
"Mehmet Oz is a known quack despised in the medical community for conning millions of people and making himself wealthy in the process.
Perhaps you may wish to ...[join us in opposing his...] bid to place himself at the helm of national policy, where his #woo will infect not just health care but almost everything that matters to Americans."
So how long do you think I will be before #MehmetOz quits pretending he lives in #Pennsylvania? #DrOz #Election2022 #ElectionDay
#electionday #Election2022 #DrOz #pennsylvania #mehmetoz
On my morning walk...
#uspol #uspolitics #droz #mehmetoz #johnfetterman #pennsylvania #ussenate
#uspol #uspolitics #DrOz #mehmetoz #JohnFetterman #pennsylvania #ussenate
#JohnFetterman vient d'être élu sénateur de #Pennsylvanie, battant #MehmetOz le candidat d'extrême-droite soutenu ardemment par #DonaldTrump.
C'est sans doute la victoire qui donnera la majorité au Sénat pour les Démocrates.
Pro-avortement et sortant tout juste d'une grave crise cardiaque, Fetterman avait fait de la légalisation de l'avortement et des questions sociales, des priorités absolues, à contre-pied de sujets sensés déterminer le choix des votants : inflation et immigration.
La preuve encore, avec le raz-de-marée annoncé pour les Républicains et l'extrême-droite qui n'a pas eu lieu, que les #médias sont encore et toujours loin des réalités des vrais gens.
#Midterms #JohnFetterman #Pennsylvanie #mehmetoz #donaldtrump #médias
Obama Calls Out Dr. Oz for Selling Political ‘Snake Oil’ to Get Elected in Pennsylvania 2022 Senate Race
The former president took shots at Dr. Oz for his endorsement of quack medical products while campaigning for John Fetterman in Pittsburgh.
#USPol #Midterms #Midterms2022 #MidtermElections #2022Midterms #Pennsylvania #BarackObama #MehmetOz #DrOz #JohnFetterman
#uspol #Midterms #Midterms2022 #MidtermElections #2022midterms #pennsylvania #BarackObama #mehmetoz #DrOz #JohnFetterman
Oz is using crime as a closing argument in the Pennsylvania Senate race - Vox
The party’s closing argument is exploiting voters’ fears.
#USPol #2022Midterms #Midterms #MidtermElections #Midterms2022 #Pennsylvania #MehmetOz #JohnFetterman
#uspol #2022midterms #Midterms #MidtermElections #Midterms2022 #pennsylvania #mehmetoz #JohnFetterman
#WTF? In what kind of fucking world do we live?!
Now this motherfucking charlatan's also a puppy killer? 🐶
#wtf #PuppyKillerOz #mehmetoz #usmidterms
It's rather juvenile, but I laughed anyway.
#BillHader as #MehmetOz 🦆🦆
#humour #snl #billhader #mehmetoz
#DrOz RUNS AWAY from #Pennsylvania #voters in a TOTAL PANIC
#NoOz #fraud #quack from #newjersey
Dr. #MehmetOz fled the scene after a group of voters tried to ask him simple questions regarding his stances on inflation and women's reproductive health. Dr...
#DrOz #pennsylvania #voters #NoOz #fraud #quack #newjersey #mehmetoz
It's like Dr. Oz is Cobra Commander running on how much worse he can make everything.
#droz #doctoroz #mehmetoz #drmehmetoz #doctormehmetoz #pensylvania #newjersey #turkey
#turkey #newjersey #pensylvania #doctormehmetoz #drmehmetoz #mehmetoz #doctoroz #DrOz