Brrrrr. Griezelig.
"Trump Lashes Out after Getting Mercilessly Mocked by Crowd"
"Trump Co-Conspirator Cries Hysterically as Judge Gives Brutal Sentence"
#Trump Makes MOST #INSANE Videos of Himself Yet
#MeidasTouch #TrumpFascist #TrumpTraitor #donaldtrump #TrumpRapist #TrumpLies #Russia #TrumpRacist #TrumpLoser #Fascism #BunkerBoy #terrorism #Coup #ArrestTrumpNow #RussianAsset
#russianasset #ArrestTrumpNow #coup #terrorism #BunkerBoy #fascism #TrumpLoser #TrumpRacist #russia #TrumpLies #TrumpRapist #donaldtrump #TrumpTraitor #TrumpFascist #meidastouch #insane #trump
As per #MeidasTouch
To help #Trump, #GOP will seek to disqualify #DistrictAttorney #FaniWillis under #Georgia law #SB92
#TrumpArrest #RICO #FultonCounty #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy #FakeElectors #ViolationOfOath
#meidastouch #trump #gop #districtattorney #faniwillis #georgia #sb92 #trumparrest #rico #fultoncounty #electioninterference #conspiracy #fakeelectors #violationofoath #p01135809
@CassandraZeroCovid according to #MeidasTouch this is a fake
#RonFilipkowski announced today he has left the practice of law after 28 years to focus exclusively on his new job as #EditorInChief of
#ronfilipkowski #editorinchief #meidastouch
"Georgia Prosecutor gives Powerful Speech Following Indictment"
(Via #MeidasTouch) #Trump #Georgia
"Fulton County Delivers Most Devastating Blow to Trump"
"Trump Attacks Federal Judge After She Warned Him"
(Via @MeidasTouch ) #MeidasTouch
"Judge Cannon Gets Caught Taking Instructions from Trump on TV"
@flexghost it's weird. Just watched a #MeidasTouch YouTube thing on it.
She seems determined to having the case taken away from her
"Rudy Giuliani's Disgusting Behavior Exposed In New Recordings"
$108.000 for her hair....
"Melania Trump Ultimate Exposed In New Fling"
"New Criminal Charge Identified in Trump Target Letter"
(Via #MeidasTouch )
Open inrichting VS, over #Barbie.
"Ted Cruz throws most ridiculous tantrum yet on live TV"
(Via #MeidasTouch) #OpenInrichtingVS
#openinrichtingvs #meidastouch #barbie
"Jack Smith Informs Trump Another Indictment Is Coming and Trump Loses It"
(Via #MeidasTouch )
Open inrichting VS.
"Chaos Erupts at GOP Conference as Speakers LOSE IT"
(Via #MeidasTouch) #OpenInrichtingVS
#openinrichtingvs #meidastouch
#MeidasTouch back with real facts checking of the Hunter Biden Laptop lies i think we can all agree it was all planted and fake.
(6) Republicans CAUGHT FABRICATING Hunter Biden Documents as Hunter FIGHTS BACK - YouTube
"Wow! Parent sliences Republican crowd during school board hearing in deep red county"